The task is the following, I have a project on eclipse, I need to import it into Idea, before that everything was fine, I selected Import Project, then selected the folder with the project (or the .classpath, .project file (they were displayed with the eclipse icon), after which a window opened where you can select external model (eclipse was), well, then everything goes by itself. Today it is not clear for what reasons, when you try to do the same, the .classpath, .project files no longer contain the eclipse icon, instead there is a question mark. When trying to import, it gives an error - cannot import... When I try to select the project folder, there is no eclipse in the external model window either.. How can I get it back? Where did it go, I've already tried everything, nothing works, because of this I can't import the project, tell me. Problem importing Eclipse project into IDEA - 1 Problem importing Eclipse project into IDEA - 2