JavaRush /Java Blog /Random EN /Opening the JavaRushHomeWork Project
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Opening the JavaRushHomeWork Project

Published in the Random EN group
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1. Download the archive

You downloaded the archive from JavaRush , unpacked it and see the following two folders: The JavaRushHomeWork folder contains a project template in which you will solve problems. The JavaRushIdeaPlugin folder contains a plugin that needs to be connected to IntelliJ IDEA (Idea).

2. Open the project

Open an Idea. Go to menu File -> Open... . Open the path where the archive was unpacked. Click on the JavaRushHomeWork folder and press the OK button .
Opening the JavaRushHomeWork - 2 project
An open project looks like this:
Opening the JavaRushHomeWork - 3 project

3. Set up the project

Open the project settings File -> Project Structure .... Set Project language level to 7.0
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In Modules you also set the Language level to 7.0 . Remove the .idea folder from the project, for which you need to select it and click Excluded .
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In SDKs, if there is nothing there, click the green + on top, select JDK from the drop-down list and specify the path to java . Click OK . Attention! On the java7 course, install version 7 so that there are no problems with the settings. When the project is transferred to java8, we will inform you about it. Make sure JDK home path points to your java path. In the Classpath tab , click the green + on the right. Connect all jar files from *java path*/jre/lib Click the Apply button and reload the project.
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4. Connect the plugin

Open the settings Ideas File -> Settings... for Plugins and click the Install plugin from disk... button .
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Select the path to the IdeaPlugin.jar plugin , which is located in the lib folder inside JavaRushIdeaPlugin (see step 1) and click OK.
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Apply the new settings by clicking on Apply and re-opening the Idea - click Restart .

5. Testing the plugin

Two new buttons have appeared:
  • press the left button (stripe) to get a list of your tasks
  • click the right button (check mark) to submit the task for review
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Important informationThe file contains your secret key, do not show it to anyone. You can always log into your account using it. Happy studying!