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Java 11 released: new features and capabilities

Published in the Random EN group
Previously, new versions of Java appeared rarely and with delays. Now Oracle successfully maintains its self-set rhythm of “new Java every six months.” So a few days ago, strictly on schedule, we finally received Java SE 11 and the implementation of the JDK (Java Development Kit). Java 11 released: new features and capabilities - 1As always, the new version will be compatible with the old ones, and support for Java 11 will end no earlier than December 2026.

New features in Java SE 11 (visible to developers)

Recall that in Java, changes are made through the implementation of the JEP “JDK Enhancement Proposal”. JEP is a proposal to improve OpenJDK and may be approved, delayed, or rejected. That is, in essence, a collection of JEPs is a development strategy for OpenJDK. In square brackets before the new “feature” we will indicate the number of the corresponding JEP. [323] Local-Variable Syntax for Lambda Parameters - var syntax for lambda parameters Java 10 introduced the var keyword, which made it possible not to explicitly specify the type of a local variable. This simplified the code. JEP 323 expands the use of this syntax with lambda expressions. Simple example: ()
                 .map ((var s) -> s.toLowerCase ())
                 .collect (Collectors.toList ());
As Simon Ritter , a well-known Java evangelist, writes, an experienced Java programmer will note that using var in this case may be unnecessary, since the code above can be replaced with the following: ()
                  .map (s -> s.toLowerCase ())
                  .collect (Collectors.toList ());
Why, then, support var? There's just one special case - when you want to add an annotation to a lambda parameter. This can't be done without some type involved, and to avoid having to use an explicit type, we can simplify everything using var like this: ()
                 .map ((@ Notnull var s) -> s.toLowerCase ())
                 .collect (Collectors.toList ());
[330] Launch Single-File Source-Code Programs Enhancing the Java launcher to launch a program as a single file with Java source code Java is often criticized for its verbose syntax and multi-step “ceremony” of launching even a trivial application. Sometimes this scares off newbies. To write an application that simply prints " Hello World! " ", you need to write a class with a public static voidmain method and use the System.out.println. Having done this, you must compile the code using javac . Finally, after this, you can launch the application, which will display the ill-fated greeting (of course, the integrated development environment, both IDEA and the one built into JavaRush , performs this “app launch magic” on its own - editor's note). Let's be honest: in most programming languages, the actual script for running programs looks much simpler. JEP 330 eliminates the need to compile a single-file application, so now if you use the command line, just type

The Java launcher will detect that the file contains Java source code and compile the code into a class file before executing it. You can place parameters after or before the source code file name. Those placed after the name are passed as parameters when the application is executed. Those placed before the name are passed as parameters to the Java launcher after the code is compiled. Compiler-specific options (such as classpath) will also be passed to javac for compilation. Example. Line:

            java -classpath / home / foo / java Bonjour
will be equivalent to these lines:

            javac -classpath / home / foo / java
            java -classpath / home / foo / java Hello Bonjour
[321] HTTP Client (Standard) - HTTP Client API support has been standardized. JDK 9 introduced a new API to support the HTTP Client protocol (JEP 110) . Since JDK 9 also introduced the Java Platform Module System (JPMS) , this API was included as an incubator module (these are modules to provide developers with new APIs that have not yet become standard in Java SE, while the "live" APIs are being prepared for removal - developers can try out new APIs and try to provide feedback). Once the necessary changes are made (this API has been updated in JDK 10), the API can become part of the standard. So, the HTTP Client API is now officially included in Java SE 11 . This introduces a new module and package for the JDK, . The main new types are: HttpClient HttpRequest HttpResponse WebSocket This API can be used synchronously or asynchronously. In asynchronous mode, CompletionFuturesand are used CompletionStages. [320] Remove The Java EE and CORBA Modules With the introduction of the Java Platform Module System (JPMS) in the ninth version of Java, it became possible to split the monolithic rt.jar file into several modules. In addition, JPMS allows you to create a Java runtime environment that includes only the modules needed by your application, greatly reducing its size. With transparently defined module boundaries, it's much easier to remove obsolete parts of the Java API - that's what JEP 320 does. The metamodule includes six modules that will not be part of the Java SE 11 standard and will not be included in the JDK:
  • corba
  • transaction
  • activation
  • xml.bind
These modules were deprecated in JDK 9 and were not included by default in compilation or execution. This means that if you tried to compile or run an application that uses these modules' APIs on JDK 9 or JDK 10, it failed. If you use the APIs of these modules in your code, you will need to provide them as a separate module or library.

New APIs

A large number of new APIs in JDK 11 appeared thanks to the inclusion of the HTTP Client and Flight Recorder modules in the language standard . For a complete list of APIs, see the following comprehensive comparison of different versions of the JDK , compiled by Gunnar Morling. And in this note we will list some new methods that are not included in the , jdk.jfr and modules . java.lang.String Arguably one of the most important changes to String in the JDK 11 API, there are several useful new methods.
  • boolean isBlank (): returns true if the string is empty or contains only spaces, false otherwise.

  • Stream lines(): Returns a stream of lines extracted from this string, separated by line terminators.

  • String repeat (int): Returns a string whose value is the concatenation of that string repeated int times.

  • String strip (): Returns a string with all spaces removed before or after the first non-space character.

  • String stripLeading (): Returns a string with all spaces up to the first non-space character removed.

  • String stripTrainling (): Returns a string with all spaces that occur after the last non-space character removed.
strip()The method already did something similar trim (), but by spaces these methods mean different things. In case, trim()only spaces are cut off, and in strip()- also special characters, such as tabs. java.lang.StringBuffer java.lang.StringBuilder Both of these classes contain a new method compareTo ()that accepts StringBuffer/ StringBuilderand returns int. The lexical comparison method is similar to the new method compareTo() CharSequence.
  • void writeBytes (byte []): writes all bytes of the parameter to the output stream
There are two new constructors here that allow you to specify Charset. Four new constructors that allow you to specify Charset.
  • io.InputStream nullInputStream (): returns InputStream, which does not read any bytes. How to use this method? You can think of it as something like /dev/null to throw away output you don't need, or to inject input that always returns zero bytes.
  • io.OutputStream nullOutputStream ()
  • io.Reader nullReader ()
  • io.Writer nullWriter ()
  • String toString (int): This is an overload of an existing method, but uses int instead of char.
  • int compare (CharSequence, CharSequence): lexicographically compares two instances CharSequence. Returns a negative value, zero, or a positive value if the first sequence is lexicographically less than, equal to, or greater than the second, respectively.
    lang.Object clone (): Java evangelist Simon Ritter admits that this method confuses him. The class Referencedoes not implement an interface Cloneableand this method will always throw an exception CloneNotSupportedException. However, the expert suggests that this method will be useful for something in the future.
java.lang.Runtime java.lang.System There are no new methods here. Let's just mention that the method runFinalizersOnExit ()has been removed from both of these classes, which may cause compatibility issues. java.lang.Thread No additional methods, we will only mention that destroy ()they stop (Throwable)were removed. However stop (), which takes no arguments, is still available. Please keep this in mind as there may be compatibility issues. java.nio.ByteBuffer java.nio.CharBuffer java.nio.DoubleBuffer java.nio.FloatBuffer java.nio.LongBuffer java.nio.ShortBuffer In all these classes, the language developers added a method mismatch ()that finds and returns the relative index of the first mismatch between this buffer and a given buffer. java.nio.channels.SelectionKey
  • int interestOpsAnd (int)

  • int interestOpsOr (int)
  • int select (java.util.function.Consumer, long): Selects and executes an action on keys whose corresponding channels are ready for I/O operations. The long parameter is a timeout.

  • int select (java.util.function.Consumer): works like the method above, but without the timeout.

  • int selectNow (java.util.function.Consumer): works like the method above, only it is non-blocking.

  • String readString (Path): Reads all content from a file into a string, decoding bytes into characters using UTF-8 encoding .

  • String readString (Path, Charset): Works like the method above, but decodes bytes into characters using Charset.

  • Path writeString (Path, CharSequence, java.nio.file. OpenOption []): If you write a sequence of characters CharSequenceto a file, those characters will be encoded into bytes (using UTF-8 ).

  • Path writeString (Path, CharSequence, java.nio.file. Charset, OpenOption []): works like the method above, only the characters are encoded into bytes using Charset.
  • Path(String, String[]): Returns the Path, transforming a pathstring or sequence of strings that when combined form a pathstring.

  • Path (net.URI): Returns the path by transforming the URI.
  • Object [] toArray (java.util.function.IntFunction): Returns an array containing all the elements in this collection, using the provided generator function to distribute the returned array.
java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue java.util.PriorityQueue
  • void forEach (java.util.function.Consumer): Performs the specified action on each Iterable element until all elements have been processed or the action throws an exception.

  • boolean removeAll (java.util.Collection): Removes all elements of this collection that are also contained in the specified collection (optional operation).

  • boolean removeIf (java.util.function.Predicate): Removes all elements of this collection that satisfy the given predicate.

  • boolean retainAll (java.util.Collection): Preserves only the elements in this collection that are contained in the specified collection (optional operation).
  • long convert (java.time.Duration): Converts the given duration of time to this unit.
  • Predicate not(Predicate): returns a predicate that is the negation of the given predicate.
For example, the following code: ()

.filter (s ->! s.isBlank ())
can be converted to this: ()

.filter (Predicate.not (String :: ISBLANK))
and if we use static import, then this is what we get: ()
.filter (not(String :: ISBLANK))
java.util.Optional java.util.OptionalInt java.util.OptionalDouble java.util.OptionalLong
  • boolean isEmpty (): Returns true if there is no value , false otherwise .
  • Predicate asMatchPredicate (): Java expert Simon Ritter believes there may be a real JDK 11 API gem hidden here. This method creates a predicate that checks whether this pattern matches a given input string.
  • int deflate (ByteBuffer): Compresses the input data and fills the specified buffer with compressed data.

  • int deflate (ByteBuffer, int): Compresses the input data and fills the specified buffer with compressed data. Returns the actual amount of compressed data.

  • void setDictionary (ByteBuffer): Sets the given dictionary to be compressed into bytes in the given buffer. This is an overload of an existing method that can now accept a ByteBuffer, rather than a byte array.

  • void setInput (ByteBuffer): Sets the input data to be compressed. It is also an overload of an existing method.
  • int inflate (ByteBuffer): Unpacks bytes into the specified buffer. Returns the actual number of uncompressed bytes.

  • void setDictionary (ByteBuffer): Sets the given dictionary to the bytes in the given buffer. Is an overloaded form of an existing method.

  • void setInput (ByteBuffer): Sets the input data for decompression. An overloaded form of an existing method.
javax.print.attribute.standard.DialogOwner This is a new class in JDK 11 and is an attribute class used to support print or customization page requests to be displayed on top of all windows or a specific window. javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel javax.swing.DefaultListModel
  • void addAll (Collection): Adds all elements present in the collection.

  • void addAll (int, Collection): Adds all elements present in the collection, starting at the specified index.
  • int [] getSelectedIndices (): Returns an array of all selected indexes in the selected model in ascending order.

  • int getSelectedItemsCount (): Returns the number of selected items.
  • shell.JShellException getCause (): Returns the throwable reason in the execution client presented by this EvalException, or null if the reason does not exist or is unknown.

Non-developer features of Java 11

[181] Nest-Based Access Control Java and other languages ​​support nested classes through inner classes. For this to work, the compiler must perform certain tricks. For example:

public class Outer {
    private int outerInt;

     class Inner {
       public void printOuterInt() {
         System.out.println("Outer int = " + outerInt);
The compiler modifies this to produce something like the following before compiling:

public class Outer {
      private int outerInt;

      public int access$000() {
        return outerInt; 


    class Inner$Outer {

      Outer outer;

      public void printOuterInt() {
        System.out.println("Outer int = " + outer.access$000());
Although logically the inner class is part of the same code as the outer class, it is compiled as a separate class. Therefore, this operation requires a synthetic join method that must be created by the compiler to provide access to the private field of the outer class. This JEP introduces the concept of nests, where two members of the same nest (Outer and Inner in our example) are nesting buddies. Two new attributes are defined for the class file format: NestHost and NestMembers . These changes are useful for other languages ​​that support nested classes and bytecode. This function introduces three new methods for java.lang.Class : Class getNestHost () Class [] getNestMembers () boolean isNestmateOf (Class) [309] Dynamic Class-File Constants This JEP describes an extension to the class file format to support the new persistent pool form CONSTANT_Dynamic. The idea of ​​a dynamic constant seems like an oxymoron, but essentially you can think of it as a final value in Java 11. The value of a pooling constant is not set at compile time (unlike other constants), but uses a bootstrap method to determine the value at lead time. Therefore the value is dynamic, but since its value is set only once, it is also constant. This feature is primarily aimed at people developing new languages ​​and compilers that will generate bytecodes and class files as output to run on the JVM. [315] Improve Aarch64 Intrinsics This JEP was proposed by the Red Hat community. The JVM can now use more specialized instructions available in the Arm 64 instruction set. In particular, this improves the performance of the , methods sin ()and cos ()the java.lang.Mathlog () class . [318] Epsilon: A No-Op Garbage Collector As with JEP 315 , you can thank Red Hat for the introduction of the Epsilon garbage collector. Epsilon is unusual in that it doesn't actually collect garbage! When creating new objects, it allocates memory if needed, but does not reclaim space occupied by unregistered objects. “ What's the point? ", - you ask. It turns out that this “garbage collection” has two uses:
  1. First of all, this garbage collector is designed to ensure that new GC algorithms are evaluated in terms of their performance impact. The idea is to run a sample application with Epsilon and generate a set of metrics. The new garbage collection algorithm is enabled, the same tests are run, and then the results are compared.

  2. For very short tasks (think serverless functions in the cloud) where you can guarantee you won't exceed the memory allocated to the heap. This can improve performance by eliminating the overhead (including collecting statistics needed to decide whether to run the collector) in the application code. If heap space is exhausted, the JVM may be misconfigured in one of three ways:
    • Normal is called OutOfMemoryError.
    • Perform a heap reset
    • The JVM hard drive has failed and may be performing another task (such as starting a debugger).
[328]: Flight Recorder Flight Recorder is a low-level data acquisition framework for the JVM. Prior to JDK 11, this was a commercial feature in the Oracle JDK binary. Oracle is now eliminating the functional differences between the Oracle JDK and one build from OpenJDK. Here's what Flight Recorder does :
  • Provides an API for producing and consuming data as events
  • Provides a buffer mechanism and binary data format
  • Allows customization and filtering of events
  • Provide events for OS, JVM HotSpot and JDK libraries
There are two new modules here: jdk.jfr and . [329] ChaCha20 and Poly1305 cryptographic algorithms This JEP is about updating the ciphers used by the JDK. This case implements the ChaCha20 and ChaCha20-Poly1305 encryption algorithms as specified in RFC 7539. ChaCha20 is a relatively new stream cipher that can replace the older, insecure RC4 cipher . [333] ZGC: A Scalable Low-Latency Garbage Collector An experimental scalable low-latency garbage collector. Designed for use with applications that require large (multigigabyte) heap and low latency. It uses a single generation heap and does most (but not all) of the garbage collection work at the same time as the application. [332] Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.3 TLS 1.3 (RFC 8446) is a major patch to the TLS transport layer security protocol that provides significant security and performance improvements over previous versions. The JDK now supports this protocol version. The material is based on an article by Simon Ritter and official documentation .
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