- Introduction
- Game initialization
- Creating a playing field
- Primitive program
- Working with the cells of the playing field
- Working with color
- Dialog boxes
- Utility Methods
- Game engine limitations
1. Introduction
There are three stages in the implementation of a computer game on the part of the developer:- Initialization of the game is preparatory actions: setting the size and drawing of the playing field, creating and installing game objects in the initial position, as well as other actions that must be performed at the beginning of the game.
- Game process. This includes the movement of game objects, player actions, accounting for points earned, as well as other actions that must be performed at certain intervals or by pressing buttons.
- Ending the game. This includes stopping animations, reporting victory or defeat, and other actions that need to be performed at the end of the game.
2. Game initialization
Initializing the game consists of just two steps:Step 1: create the main game class.
To develop your game based on the JavaRush game engine, you need to create a class and inherit it from the Game class (com.javarush.engine.cell.Game). This will give your class the ability to call methods on the game engine, and the ability for the engine to call your methods. Example:import com.javarush.engine.cell.Game;
public class MySuperGame extends Game {
Step 2: override the initialize() method.
In this method, all the actions necessary to start the game will take place: creating the playing field, creating game objects, etc. You just need to declare this method in a class that inherits from the Game class . Example:import com.javarush.engine.cell.Game;
public class MySuperGame extends Game {
public void initialize() {
// Тут выполняем все действия по инициализации игры и ее an objectов
The initialize() method is an analogue of the main() method : it is where all the code written for the game begins to be executed.
3. Creating a playing field
Creating a playing field also consists of only two steps.Step 1: divide the playing field into cells.
The entire playing field is divided into cells by the game engine. The minimum size is 3x3, the maximum is 100x100. The game screen has a constant size. It can be divided into different numbers of cells. For example, width 7 and height 9:
import com.javarush.engine.cell.Game;
public class MySuperGame extends Game {
public void initialize() {
// задали размер поля 7x9 клеток
setScreenSize(7, 9);
When writing a game, you may need to get the current width and height of the playing field. The int getScreenWidth() and int getScreenHeight() methods are useful for this .
Step 2: Turn the grid on or off (optional).
If you don't like the black grid that separates the cells on the playing field, you can turn it off. The void showGrid(boolean isShow) method turns the grid separating cells on and off. By default, the grid is displayed. To turn it off, call this method with the false parameter:showGrid(false);

4. Primitive program
Example program:public class MySuperGame extends Game {
public void initialize() {
// Создаем игровое поле 3x3 клетки
setScreenSize(3, 3);
// Выключаем отображение сетки
// Меняем фон центральной клетки на синий, и отображаем в ней “Х”
setCellValueEx(1, 1, Color.BLUE, "X", Color.ORANGE, 50);
In this example, the size of the playing field is set to 3x3, the grid display is turned off, and an orange half-cell sized “X” symbol is placed in the center on a blue background. This will be the first thing the player sees when starting the game.
5. Working with the cells of the playing field
The fact that we can divide the playing field into cells is great, but what can we do with the cells themselves? Each cell of the playing field can be set:- cell color (cell background color);
- text (text or number);
- text color;
- text size as a percentage relative to the cell size.
void setCellColor(int x, int y, Color color) — sets the color of the cell with coordinates (x, y):
setCellColor(0, 0, Color.RED); setCellColor(3, 6, Color.BLACK); setCellColor(6, 8, Color.NONE);
Color getCellColor(int x, int y) - returns the color of the cell with coordinates (x, y):
Color myColor = getCellColor(2, 0);
void setCellValue(int x, int y, String value) - places the text value in the cell with coordinates (x, y):
setCellValue(3, 3, "text"); setCellValue(0, 8, "W"); setCellValue(4, 1, "2222"); setCellValue(6, 6, "");
String getCellValue(int x, int y) - returns the text contained in the cell with coordinates (x, y):
String s = getCellValue(3, 3); System.out.println(getCellValue(4, 1));
void setCellTextSize(int x, int y, int size) - sets the size of the content in the cell with coordinates (x, y). size – text height as a percentage of the cell height:
setCellTextSize(2 , 0, 70); // 70% высоты клетки
int getCellTextSize(int x, int y) - returns the size of the content in the cell with coordinates (x, y):
int size = getCellTextSize(2 , 0);
void setCellNumber(int x, int y, int value) - places the number value in the cell with coordinates (x, y):
setCellNumber(3, 3, 40); setCellNumber(0, 8, -8); setCellNumber(4, 1, 2222); setCellNumber(6, 6, 0);
int getCellNumber(int x, int y) - returns the number contained in the cell with coordinates (x, y). If the cell does not contain a number, returns 0:
int i = getCellNumber(3, 3); System.out.println(getCellNumber(4, 1));
void setCellTextColor(int x, int y, Color color) — sets the color of the content (text) in the cell with coordinates (x, y):
setCellTextColor(2, 1, Color.GREEN); setCellTextColor(0, 1, Color.NONE);
Color getCellTextColor(int x, int y) - returns the color of the content (text) in a cell with coordinates (x, y):
Color textColor = getCellTextColor(1, 3);
void setCellValueEx(int x, int y, Color cellColor, String value) — sets the cell with coordinates (x, y) background color cellColor and content value:
setCellValueEx(0, 2, Color.BLUE, "56");
void setCellValueEx(int x, int y, Color cellColor, String value, Color textColor) — sets the cell with coordinates (x, y) background color cellColor, content value and content color textColor:
setCellValueEx(0, 2, Color.BLACK, "56", Color.GREEN);
void setCellValueEx(int x, int y, Color cellColor, String value, Color textColor, int textSize); — sets the cell with coordinates (x, y) background color cellColor, content value, content color textColor and content size textSize:
setCellValueEx(0, 2, Color.BLACK, "56", Color.GREEN, 70);
6. Working with color
Colors in the game engine are controlled by the Color enum , which contains unique values for 148 colors. And also the special value NONE - absence of color. Example of working with color:Color myColor = Color.WHITE; // переменной myColor присваивается белый цвет.
Color redColor = Color.RED; // переменной redColor присваивается красный цвет.
Color blueColor = Color.BLUE; // переменной blueColor присваивается синий цвет.
Sometimes you may want to get an array of all existing colors. To do this, use the values() method . For example:
// переменной colors присваивается массив, содержащий все доступные цвета.
Color[] colors = Color.values();
Getting the color number in the palette is very simple:
Color color = Color.RED;
int redIndex = color.ordinal(); // Номер красного цвета
int blueIndex = Color.BLUE.ordinal(); // Номер синего цвета
You can also get a color by its number:
// переменной color присваивается цвет с индексом 10 из enum Color.
Color color = Color.values()[10];
7. Dialog boxes
At the end of the game, the player must be informed of victory or defeat. There is a special method for this that displays a dialog box on the game screen:void showMessageDialog(Color cellColor, String message, Color textColor, int textSize)
- cellColor — background color of the dialog box;
- message — message text;
- textColor — message text color;
- textSize — message text size.
8. Utility methods
Random numbers are often used when writing games. To make it easier to obtain random numbers, you can use scrap engine methods:- int getRandomNumber(int max) - returns a random integer from 0 to (max–1) inclusive.
- int getRandomNumber(int min, int max) - returns a random integer from min to (max–1) inclusive.