JavaRush/Java Blog/Random EN/How to learn and where?

How to learn and where?

Published in the Random EN group
Because We found out that universities do not train good specialists who can easily get a job, the question arises: who trains? So how do you become a programmer? First of all, such courses were sought for friends who agreed to retrain as programmers. Now there are both face-to-face and online courses to teach programming. But both are not without their drawbacks. In-person courses fall into two categories: “good but expensive” and “affordable but useless.”

Good courses

Good face-to-face courses simply don't come cheap. A good teacher should be a professional, which means he can easily earn $3K-$4K per month. In 3 months he will earn 10-12 thousand dollars . If all this time he teaches a group of 10 people, the course will cost each student $1000 . But you still need to rent a room, prepare tasks, check homework. So the cost of good courses will be somewhere around $2,000 for three months. How to learn and where?  - 1

Cheap courses

How to reduce the cost of training? You can increase the size of the groups, their number, and hire a worse teacher. And also cut down the hours of training: let’s say not 20-30 hours a week, but only 10. And now the cost of the courses has dropped to $500 , which is quite acceptable. I call such courses “cheap but useless . ” These courses cause me such personal dislike that I can’t even eat.

Western online courses

There is a boom in online education in the United States. And all over the world too. How to make money from it has not yet been decided, but investments in educational projects already amount to millions of dollars. These courses are often videotaped lectures from some of the world's best teachers. What is their strength? But these courses lack the most important thing - orientation towards the profession. This is their biggest drawback. They are ineffective if you decide to use them to get your first good job.

Our online courses

Full-time courses are often cost-effective only in large cities, because... There is a larger market there and many students. But the need for good courses is everywhere, which is why online education has come into the picture. And, of course, online programming courses appeared. What are modern online courses? A kind of mixture of university and remote education, which took the worst from both. I think the authors of such courses are guided by something like this recipe:
  1. Pick up a book that has a similar theme to your courses.
  2. Fill a website based on it or post video lectures where someone tells the contents of the book one-on-one.
  3. Add some practical problems: you can pull it out of thin air.
  4. Add tests. What kind of training is this without tests?

Everything is very sad

By God. This is how I can teach people to swim. I’ll call the courses “Swimmer Online”, and the slogan: “learn to swim without leaving home.” I’ll fill the site with texts from some swimming tutorial. In the finals I will give tests with questions like: “Swimming is...”, “Types of swimming:...”, “A body of water is...”. And issue everyone with a state-issued swimmer certificate. You can also promise to return the money to those who got into the water, but realized that they never learned to swim, if such people are found, of course. Online courses are so lacking in practice that they are not worth much more than a regular book. But even books are different. Some books put everything in its place, and some are so abstruse that they forever discourage you from learning. So that. Tests are the most dangerous way to test knowledge. Because not only the inspector, but also the person being checked has the illusion that he knows everything. Learn the rules of the road from a book, then get behind the wheel and try to pass your driving test on the first try. This is where you will understand that “in theory there are no differences between practice and theory, but in practice there are.” At JavaRush we have brought together all the best things that are left out of regular online courses. In learning that brings sense, there is nowhere without motivation and dosed delivery of theory , supported by real-life examples. In programming (as in driving, and swimming...) there is no way without practice. Therefore, the basis of the JavaRush course is a structured, vividly presented minimum of theory + 1200 tasks with instant verification of the result. Solve all problems and you will get about 500 hours of real programming. The further you progress in your training, the more complex and interesting the projects. If you want to become a programmer, you need to program. And there is no good time to start. It's better to start right now :)
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