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Why Should You Learn Java?

Published in the Random EN group
With “ordinary” human languages, everything is clear: in the modern world you need to know your native language and English well, the rest depends on the circumstances. In the world of application creation, there is not yet such a universal language that could be called “programming English.” At least half a dozen market leaders are vying for this title. However, in our opinion, it is Java that comes close to this title. And that's why. Why should you learn Java?  - 1

What's good about Java from the point of view of a student and programmer

This language is quite simple

What does the phrase “simple programming language” even mean? This usually means two things. First, it is easy to learn for those who know nothing about programming. Secondly, it is effective in solving various problems. This will be appreciated by those who have already tried to understand some language. Both of these apply to Java in full. Learning Java is actually quite easy. And all because it is relatively high-level. This means you don't have to go through the weeds that lower-level languages ​​have to navigate. For example, garbage collection (“killing” unused objects that take up space in memory) in Java occurs without your participation, unlike in C++. But Java is low-level enough to handle most tasks. Let's clarify one important point. There are languages ​​that are easier to get started with at the first stage than Java. For example, Python - thanks to its concise and understandable syntax. Or Pascal/Delphi, specially created for teaching (now, however, it is studied mainly in schools and mainly by inertia) - a language with a very logical structure. However, at some point, and it will come quite quickly, the situation changes. Most “real” problems are easier to solve in Java than in Python and, especially, Delphi.

Availability of libraries and frameworks for all occasions

If a programmer is faced with some difficult task, there is a high probability that there is already a ready-made Java library for it that will help solve it. The main thing is not to be lazy and read the documentation or ask a question on a popular forum, for example Stack OverFlow . Well, if you are still learning, then ask questions in the “ Help ” section on JavaRush. For example, it is very useful for students to implement sorting algorithms on their own once or twice, just to understand how they work. But in real work, you no longer need to remember them by heart. You just need to know that Java already has tools for this (in particular, Collections.sort()). And this is just a training example. Since Java has been used for serious tasks for quite a long time and actively, you can find Java libraries and frameworks for everything (well, almost).

Huge community and quality documentation

Perhaps you have already seen a joke about a three-button keyboard on StackOverflow in programming publics ? So, this joke is not so far from the truth: while working, a programmer very often uses someone else’s code, and it’s not only beginners who ask questions on the most famous developer forums. So, there are a lot of Java professionals who help solve problems on StackOverflow. So the likelihood that they will help you with your problem is very high. In addition, if you don’t understand something, you will most likely be able to figure it out with the help of one or another article in the documentation - Java has very good documentation.

What's good about Java from a technical and structural point of view?


“Write once, works everywhere” - this is about Java. To make a Java application work on computers with different operating systems, you do not need to redesign it. You need to install two virtual machines for these same operating systems. Of course, it's not that simple. Obviously, it will not be possible to run a “heavy” Enterprise application on an antediluvian mobile phone. However, this same old phone also has a Java virtual machine. This approach greatly simplifies development.


Java is an object-oriented language, and this very “objectivity” is implemented in this language in the best possible way. In it, everything is essentially an object, and you'll learn the concepts of inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation, and polymorphism at their best.

Excellent implementation of multithreading

Multithreading is essential when working with blocking operations and graphical interfaces. And in general, if it is possible to implement parallel processing of information, why not do it? Java offers a wealth of multithreading capabilities, ranging from simple synchronization and stop and restore methods to specialized classes. In practice, multithreading is a very difficult thing, especially for novice programmers. However, Java has everything to make working with it as convenient as possible.

Java is constantly evolving, but is backward compatible with previous versions

If the ninth version of Java was prepared for several years, then 10 and 11 were not long in coming. Now Java changes its number every six months, and often acquires new interesting and useful features. But the best thing is that developers do not need to globally rewrite the code every time a new version is released, since Java operates on the principle of backward compatibility: all earlier versions are compatible with subsequent ones. Of course, there are nuances, but they are insignificant compared to many other languages.

What's good about Java from a career perspective?

Java is everywhere.

It’s easier for a Java developer to find an area he likes, and then change it to another without relearning. This language is used to create server applications in the financial services industry, web applications, embedded systems, big data, for writing Android programs and scientific applications. The list could take a long time. Java is everywhere-2. A Java programmer can find work in almost any country in the world, and it is much easier for him to do this than for a developer in other languages. Java remains one of the most popular languages ​​in the world - just look at ratings, for example, TIOBE .

Great salaries

Last but not least, good knowledge of Java pays well.

Instead of conclusions

It was the reasons described above that prompted us to create the JavaRush course. And we are intentionally focused on Java because we truly love this language. It is not only popular and promising, it is also an excellent working tool that forms a strong programming mindset. The main thing is not to waste time while studying and write as much code as possible.