And so, hello again everyone, my name is Sergey. About 2 or 3 years ago I realized that my work as a system administrator was not giving me what I wanted. Money, development, prospects. By that time, my experience as a system administrator was already quite extensive, 5-7 years. And I decided to act) I wanted to be a developer, but I became DevOps - 1And then my brief description of the “rake walk” on the way to what I want. Working as a system administrator in a small private design bureau with 100-120 people, I had quite a lot of free time, since by that time I had already established all the processes and set everything up, and was quietly going crazy... This is how my journey began)) Having studied the available materials and resources I came to the following conclusions:
  • Language:
    • Java - because
      • cross-platform development
      • clear typing
      • Demand in the enterprise/mobile segment
      • number of developers required
  • OS:
    • Here my choice fell on Ubuntu
I’ll make a reservation, I hadn’t written anything before, I only studied programming at the university in my 2nd or 3rd year, and it was C++)) Well, I also signed up for JavaRush ) To be honest, learning was not easy for me, I even tried it a couple of times threw...
I wanted to be a developer, but I became DevOps - 2
But every time, after resting for a couple of days, I sat down again and figured it out... The validator accepted some tasks 60-80 times)) yes, yes
I wanted to be a developer, but I became DevOps - 3
And thus I reached level 30 in JavaRush. I decided to try my hand and went to the first interviews... For the position of Intern/Junior in Kharkov IT companies, and then I realized the depth of the abyss... SQL , Spring , Ant , Git , you can write a lot more. I was crushed, but did not give up) After five interviews, HR, leafing through my resume, asked, as I now understand, the obvious thing, why, with such experience in administration, am I so stubbornly involved in development? I'm like, really? That's how I learned about Devops. Nevertheless, the skills acquired in JavaRush were not useless for me, thanks to JavaRush I understood the principles of algorithms, OOP , code compilation and execution . Although we don’t use pure Java at our current job. Here we have a lot of interesting animals: jenkins, k8s, git, openstack, groovy, python, saltstack, kitchen.... PS Don't despair, don't give up and go ahead. And if you can’t overcome it, then bypass it)
I wanted to be a developer, but I became DevOps - 4