Hello Java Guru! In general, I asked myself the following question: can I read and write into the process applications that I have written thanks to the Java Memory Manipulation library ? This is not the first time I have asked this question, but there is very little information on this issue on the Internet, because everyone writes that this is impossible in Java, although I saw some posts that this is real. That’s why I wanted to ask you for help, how can I implement this product? :)
public static void main(String args[]) {
    	//Get ProcessID
    	long pid = findProcessId("nuclearthrone.exe");
    	if(pid == 0) {
    		System.err.println("ProcessId not found.");

    	Pointer readProcess = openProcess(readRight, pid);//opens process with read privileges
    	Pointer writeProcess = openProcess(writeRight, pid);

    	int size = 4;//we want to read 4 bytes
    	int adress = Integer.parseInt("036CB314", 16);

    	 read = readMemory(readProcess, adress, size);
    	System.out.println(read.getInt(0));//value of memory read

    	//Write Memory
    	Cheater.writeMemory(4, 1079246848, writeProcess, adress);

    static long findProcessId(String processName) {
		//This Reference will contain the processInfo that will be parsed t recover the ProcessId
		Tlhelp32.PROCESSENTRY32.ByReference processInfo = new Tlhelp32.PROCESSENTRY32.ByReference();

		//this handle allows us to parse the process map
		WinNT.HANDLE processesSnapshot = kernel32.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(Tlhelp32.TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, new DWORD(0L));
		if(processesSnapshot == kernel32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
			if(DEBUG) System.err.println("INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE");
			return 0L;

		try {// This will parse all the processes to find the process id corresponding to the process name
			kernel32.Process32First(processesSnapshot, processInfo);
			if(processName.equals(Native.toString(processInfo.szExeFile))) {
				if(DEBUG) if(DEBUG) System.out.println("Process " + processName + " found : " + processInfo.th32ProcessID.longValue());
                return processInfo.th32ProcessID.longValue();

			while(kernel32.Process32Next(processesSnapshot, processInfo)) {
                    if(DEBUG) System.out.println("Process " + processName + " found : " + processInfo.th32ProcessID.longValue());
                    return processInfo.th32ProcessID.longValue();

			if(DEBUG) System.out.println("Did not find requested Process: " + processName);
			return 0L;
		} finally {

    static Pointer openProcess( permissions, long pid) {
    	Pointer process = myKernel32.OpenProcess(permissions, true, (int)pid);
    static Memory readMemory( process, int adress, int readSize) {
    	 output = new Memory(readSize);
		if(!myKernel32.ReadProcessMemory(process, adress, output, readSize, new IntByReference(0))) {
			int error =myKernel32.getLastError();
			switch(error) {
				System.err.println("Failed to read the process: " + error);
			case 0x12B:
				System.err.println("Failed to read the specified adress");
		return output;
    static void writeMemory(int readSize, int newValue, Pointer process, long adress) {
    	IntByReference written = new IntByReference(0);
		 toWrite = new Memory(readSize);

		toWrite.setInt(0, newValue);

		if(!myKernel32.WriteProcessMemory(process, (int)adress toWrite, , written)) {
			int error = myKernel32.getLastError();
                    System.err.println("Failed to write in the process : " + error);
		System.out.println("Wrote " + written.getValue() + " times");