My history

Published in the Random EN group
Hi all. I decided to share my success story. I’ve been thinking about this for quite a long time, but never got around to it, and when I did, I wanted to do something unusual, which is why all this was postponed, but now I decided, without any concepts, ambiguity, etc., to directly tell what How did it happen. My first acquaintance with the word “programming” happened when I was only 13 years old, and I was an ordinary guy who was interested in computer games, like many people nowadays. It was a game called Garry's Mod, maybe someone heard it, and it had a built-in E2 language, with which you could do and create something in the "Sandbox" mode. In general, it’s an interesting thing, but at that time I still had no idea what it was: all attempts at coding came down to copy-pasting and intuitive duplication of code with a similar one, and I heard the word “programming” itself in a voice chat with the comment “this is at your school will". Spoiler: it wasn’t :))) Then programming was somehow forgotten, until one day I found this site and started learning when the first 10 levels were still free (most likely, a different state would not have allowed me to start programming , because schoolchildren have very little money, and I still don’t like asking my parents). The first attempts ended in misunderstanding in class; I was then in about 9th grade, so I decided to put it aside for later. After a while, when I grew up a little more, I returned to these courses and tried again. Happened? No :))) Attempt number two gave some success, my brain broke through the barrier where it got stuck last time during the first attempt, there was something to do with classes and constructors. I went further, I think I reached level 8-9. There I became exhausted and distracted by something else, dropping out of the course again. The third attempt happened already in the 11th grade, when I became even older and it was time to decide where to go, and I, in principle, subconsciously aimed at IT, since I liked spending time on the PC, and it doesn’t matter: playing games , programming, films or whatever it was, and I thought programming was interesting, because I once showed creativity in games, and I know how cool it is to create something of your own and give free rein to your creativity. So I returned to the courses again and with a more serious attitude, and an interesting feature: every time I made a comeback, I went through everything from the very beginning, to make sure that I mastered what was stopping me before. This time there were much more fruits: I quite quickly rose to 20 levels and was already approaching 30, and all this was during the summer holidays before my first year of university, in fact it was something like a forced march in Java in three months, because I studied quite a lot then :) In my first year at university, I absorbed subjects related to programming extremely easily and was always the most active in classes, because I understood and knew everything, unlike most of my classmates who were faced with everything This is the first time they expected that the university would teach everything. But it turned out that the education system, designed for collectivism, is not designed for individualism and for teaching each person separately, not allowing anyone to fall behind in knowledge and not to go to the bench of catching up, so I initially did not count on a university education, and was absolutely right By the second year I had already turned 18, and a few months after that, in the winter, an event happened that I had a hard time going through. We broke up with a girl with whom we were extremely close. This sent me into an emotional knockout for some time, but it also gave me more determination and, subsequently, strength to move on and develop. And then luck comes onto the scene in the form of a friend from the same courses, with whom we managed to become separated during article competitions. By that time, I already had some skills in spring (not much compared to what I can do now, but I understood injection, for example), working with databases, jdbc, hibernate (here again, not as deep as now), in general , not a bad skill set for a resume. Nikita Kolyadin (many thanks to him) wrote to me in a telegram with approximately the following content (may be creatively distorted for the purposes of staffing and trimmed to the minimum): - Kukusiki, a recruiter from one company X wrote to me, they are looking for a junior. I already work at company Y, so I decided to recommend you, they will contact you, here is a link to the vacancy, prepare your resume, don’t forget to write some projects in the “work experience” section. - Hello, but here it’s full stack, in case I can’t handle it, I don’t have enough skills - Yes // end of conversation As a result, they contacted me, sent me test part No. 1, then part No. 2, then they quickly checked on Skype that I could speak at least a couple of words in English (I like to listen to English music and I also improved my English from games, so I passed here), they called me for an interview, at which they said “we have a clear division into back and front, you are back,” which made me happy, because the front in the vacancy indicated “angular,” which I had been studying over the past two days. As a result, having resolved the issues of “how will you combine study and work” with the help of “somehow”, I took a risk and prioritized work above the university and entered IT. This was in February of this year, and this month I have already worked here for six months as a junior and will tell you a little about the work itself. Our schedule is as follows: 8 hours a day, you can arrive from 9 to 11 any time you want, one hour lunch. The office has a small kitchen where managers place free goodies (cookies, apples, juices, carrots, etc.), there is a coffee machine, free teas/coffee/cocoa/milk and, of course, water :)) At 11:15 every day we have daily, where we tell you what we have been doing and what we will do today. We are a product company and from the very beginning I have been actively involved in the project, without going into details, but on this project I have already had the opportunity to learn a lot in the back-end, get a feel for Docker, protobuffs, microservice architecture, etc. Team: bomb, peace and harmony, often some jokes, cheerful atmosphere, not strict and loyal. Maybe I missed something else that would be worth telling, but I feel that the topic has already dragged on, and I wanted to give some more advice to others, so... Tips from my experience 1. Do not count on domestic education, the path to success only through self-education. For a university or other higher institution, most often, you will be just another screw in the system, it is also likely that you will fall under the hands of inexperienced teachers or with outdated experience, the peculiarities of your perception will not be taken into account in the educational process (you like to learn through books, through videos, through short articles, through practical experience? There are many ways to learn, and believe me, it is unlikely that your preferences will be taken into account). 2. Do not choose state-owned companies or those closely associated with them. This was recently written in a post on this resource; recently I received “a few comments” from my friend about the place where he works, and this is precisely a company that is connected with the state. companies. According to his description, this is a real abode of procrastination. It's difficult to gain valuable experience here. 3. Know how to set priorities.Quietly finish your studies at university for a couple of years and get a diploma, or take a risk and go conquer IT - what would you choose? Add here pressure from parents, pressure from fear of making mistakes and other negative emotions. However, if you feel the risk is worth it, then take the risk. I’m not a fan of thoughtless risks when the chance that they will lead to success is extremely small, but if you see that the opportunity is quite real and you can somehow, maybe even through your ass, grab it - grab it. 4. Don't forget about your personal life and yourself. This point is for those who may often experience stress, even if it would seem there is no need for it. Listen to your inner self, what you lack, what you want, because by going completely into your career and work, you risk never getting what you really want, not fulfilling some of your dreams, desires, finally achieving your body in great shape, learn something new and the list goes on forever. Leave room for yourself. I’ll finish here, I hope that you were interested in reading all my thoughts, which this time I decided to lay out everything in a heap and give vent to everything that’s spinning in my head. Now I’m 18 years old (on the 31st of this month) and I’m happy that I came across this resource at the right time and everything turned out extremely well. Good luck and love to everyone :) PS The picture is the Twenty One Pilots logo, I love the group.
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