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Creating an air ticket price monitoring system: a step-by-step guide [Part 1]

Published in the Random EN group


Creating an air ticket price monitoring system: a step-by-step guide [Part 1] - 1Hello everyone, JavaRush community! Today we’ll talk about how to write a Spring Boot application for monitoring air ticket prices step by step. The article is intended for people who have an idea about:
  • REST and how REST endpoints are built;
  • relational databases;
  • the work of maven (in particular, what is dependency);
  • JSON object;
  • logging principles.
Expected Behavior:
  1. You can select a flight for a specific date and track the price for it. The user is identified by email address. As soon as a subscription to a price change is made, the user receives a notification by email.
  2. Every 30 minutes (this interval is configured through the minimum price for a flight is recalculated for all subscriptions. If one of the values ​​has become lower, the user will receive a notification by email.
  3. All subscriptions with an outdated flight date will be deleted.
  4. Via REST API you can:
    • create a subscription;
    • edit;
    • receive all subscriptions by email;
    • delete subscription.

Action plan to achieve the goal

You need to start with the fact that information about flights needs to be taken from somewhere. Typically, websites provide an open REST API through which information can be retrieved.

API (application programming interface) is an interface through which you can interact with an application. From this we can build a bridge to what a REST API is.

A REST API is an interface of REST requests that can be used to communicate with a web application.

To do this, we will use Skyscanner , or rather, the API (on the Rakuten API website ). Next, you need to choose the right framework as the basic foundation. The most popular and in demand is the Spring ecosystem and the crown of their creation - Spring Boot. You can go to their official website, or you can read the article on Habré . To store user subscriptions we will use the built-in H2 database . To read from JSON to classes and back, we will use the Jackson Project ( here is the link on our resource ). We will use spring-boot-starter-mail to send messages to users . In order for the application to recalculate the minimum price at a given frequency, we will use Spring Scheduler . To create a REST API we will use spring-boot-starter-web . In order not to write borrowed code (getters, setters, override equals and hashcode, toString() for objects), we will use Project Lombok . To feel and see the REST API, we will use Swagger 2 and immediately Swagger UI (user interface) for real-time tracking. Here's what it looks like now: Creating an air ticket price monitoring system: a step-by-step guide [Part 1] - 2where there are 4 rest queries that correspond to creating, editing, getting and deleting subscriptions.

Exploring the Skyscanner API

Let's follow the link to the rakuten api . First you need to register. Creating an air ticket price monitoring system: a step-by-step guide [Part 1] - 3All this is needed to receive a unique key to use their site and make requests to the public APIs that are posted on it. One of these APIs is the Skyscanner Flight Search we need . Now let's figure out how it works. Let's find the GET List Places request. The picture shows that you need to fill in the data and start Test Endpoint , as a result of which we receive a response in the form of a JSON object on the right: Creating a system for monitoring air ticket prices: a step-by-step guide [Part 1] - 4and the request will be created like this:{country}/{currency}/{locale}/?query={query}
and all parameters will be substituted into this formula, we get:
and two headers will be passed to these requests:

.header("x-rapidapi-host", "")
.header("x-rapidapi-key", "sing-up-for-key"),
where sign-up-for-keyit is issued after registration. To track the price drop, we will need the Browse Quotes endpoint. Find it yourself :)

Creating an application framework based on Spring Boot

To quickly and easily create a project with Spring Boot, you can use Spring Initializr . Select the following options:
  1. Maven project
  2. Java
  3. 2.1.10
  4. group - whichever you think is necessary, for example ru.javarush
  5. artifact - exactly the same, for example flights-monitoring
  6. in the dependency search we look for the following:
    • Spring Web
    • Java Mail Sender
    • Spring Data Jpa
    • H2 Database
And then click Generate . That's it: the finished project will be downloaded as an archive. If something doesn’t work out, you can use the link where I saved the desired project . Of course, it’s better to do this yourself and understand how it works. The application will consist of three layers:
  • CONTROLLER - login to the application. The REST API will be described here
  • SERVICE is a business logic layer. The entire logic of the application will be described here.
  • REPOSITORY - layer for working with the database.
Also, classes related to the client for the Skyscanner Flight Search API will be a separate package.

We are writing a client for requests to the Skyscanner Flight Search API in the project

Skyscanner has kindly provided an article on how to use their API (we will not create a session with an active request). What does it mean to "write a client"? We need to create a request to a specific URL with certain parameters and prepare a DTO (data transfer object) for the data transferred back to us. There are four groups of requests on the site:
  1. Live Flight Search - we will not consider it unnecessary at the moment.
  2. Places - let's write.
  3. Browse Flight Prices - we will use one request where you can get all the information.
  4. Localization - let's add it so that we know what data is supported.

Create a client service for the Localization request:

The plan is as simple as a steamed turnip: create a request, look at the parameters, look at the response. There are two queries: List markers and Currencies. Let's start with Currencies. The figure shows that this is a request without additional fields: it is needed to get information about supported currencies: Creating an air ticket price monitoring system: a step-by-step guide [Part 1] - 6The response is in the form of a JSON object, which contains a collection of the same objects, for example:
Let's create a CurrencyDto for this object:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import lombok.Data;

* Data transfer object for Currency.
public class CurrencyDto {

   private String code;

   private String symbol;

   private String thousandsSeparator;

   private String decimalSeparator;

   private boolean symbolOnLeft;

   private boolean spaceBetweenAmountAndSymbol;

   private int roundingCoefficient;

   private int decimalDigits;
  • @Data is an annotation from the Lombok project and generates all getters, setters, overrides toString(), equals() and hashCode() methods. What improves code readability and speeds up the time of writing POJO objects;
  • @JsonProperty("Code") is an annotation from the Jackson Project that tells what field will be assigned to this variable. That is, a field in JSON equal to Code will be assigned to the code variable .
The official article from Skyscanner suggests using the UniRest library for REST requests . Therefore, we will write another service that will implement requests via REST. This will be UniRestService . To do this, add a new dependency to maven:
Next, we will write a service that will perform REST requests. Of course, for each client/service we will create an interface and its implementation:
import com.mashape.unirest.http.HttpResponse;
import com.mashape.unirest.http.JsonNode;

* Service, which is manipulating with Rest calls.
public interface UniRestService {

   * Create GET request based on provided {@param path} with needed headers.
   * @param path provided path with all the needed data
   * @return {@link HttpResponse<jsonnode>} response object.
   HttpResponse<jsonnode> get(String path);

And its implementation:
import com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.exception.FlightClientException;
import com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.service.UniRestService;
import com.mashape.unirest.http.HttpResponse;
import com.mashape.unirest.http.JsonNode;
import com.mashape.unirest.http.Unirest;
import com.mashape.unirest.http.exceptions.UnirestException;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

* {@inheritDoc}
public class UniRestServiceImpl implements UniRestService {

   public static final String HOST = "";

   public static final String PLACES_FORMAT = "/apiservices/autosuggest/v1.0/%s/%s/%s/?query=%s";
   public static final String CURRENCIES_FORMAT = "/apiservices/reference/v1.0/currencies";
   public static final String COUNTRIES_FORMAT = "/apiservices/reference/v1.0/countries/%s";

   public static final String PLACES_KEY = "Places";
   public static final String CURRENCIES_KEY = "Currencies";
   public static final String COUNTRIES_KEY = "Countries";

   private String xRapidApiKey;

    * {@inheritDoc}
   public HttpResponse<jsonnode> get(String path) {
       HttpResponse<jsonnode> response = null;
       try {
           response = Unirest.get(HOST + path)
                   .header("x-rapidapi-host", "")
                   .header("x-rapidapi-key", xRapidApiKey)
       } catch (UnirestException e) {
           throw new FlightClientException(String.format("Request failed, path=%s", HOST + path), e);
       }"Response from Get request, on path={}, statusCode={}, response={}", path, response.getStatus(), response.getBody().toString());
       return response;
Its essence is that all requests we are interested in are created for GET requests, and this service accepts a ready-made request and adds the necessary headers like:
.header("x-rapidapi-host", "")
.header("x-rapidapi-key", xRapidApiKey)
To take data from properties, use the @Value annotation as shown below:
private String xRapidApiKey;
It says that in there will be a property named x.rapid.api.key, which needs to be injected into this variable. We get rid of hardcoded values ​​and derive the definition of this variable from the program code. Moreover, when I publish this application on GitHub I do not add the value of this property. This is done for security reasons. We have written a service that will work with REST requests, now it’s time for a service for Localization. We are building an application based on OOP, so we create the LocalizationClient interface and its implementation LocalisationClientImpl :
import com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.dto.CountryDto;
import com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.dto.CurrencyDto;
import java.util.List;

* Client for SkyScanner localisation.
public interface LocalisationClient {

    * Retrieve the market countries that SkyScanner flight search API support. Most suppliers (airlines,
    * travel agents and car hire dealers) set their fares based on the market (or country of purchase).
    * It is therefore necessary to specify the market country in every query.
    * @param locale locale of the response.
    * @return the collection of the {@link CountryDto} objects.
    * @throws IOException
   List<CountryDto> retrieveCountries(String locale);

    * Retrieve the currencies that we ScyScanner flight search API.
    * @return the collection of the {@link CurrencyDto} objects.
    * @throws IOException
   List<CurrencyDto> retrieveCurrencies();

and implementation of LocalizationClientImpl
import static com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.service.impl.UniRestServiceImpl.COUNTRIES_FORMAT;
import static com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.service.impl.UniRestServiceImpl.COUNTRIES_KEY;
import static com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.service.impl.UniRestServiceImpl.CURRENCIES_FORMAT;
import static com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.service.impl.UniRestServiceImpl.CURRENCIES_KEY;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.dto.CountryDto;
import com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.dto.CurrencyDto;
import com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.service.LocalisationClient;
import com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.service.UniRestService;
import com.mashape.unirest.http.HttpResponse;
import com.mashape.unirest.http.JsonNode;
import com.mashape.unirest.http.exceptions.UnirestException;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

* {@inheritDoc}
public class LocalisationClientImpl implements LocalisationClient {

   private UniRestService uniRestService;

   private ObjectMapper objectMapper;

    * {@inheritDoc}
   public List<CountryDto> retrieveCountries(String locale) throws IOException {
       HttpResponse<JsonNode> response = uniRestService.get(String.format(COUNTRIES_FORMAT, locale));

       if (response.getStatus() != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
           return null;

       String jsonList = response.getBody().getObject().get(COUNTRIES_KEY).toString();

       return objectMapper.readValue(jsonList, new TypeReference<List<CountryDto>>() {

    * {@inheritDoc}
   public List<CurrencyDto> retrieveCurrencies() throws IOException, UnirestException {

       HttpResponse<JsonNode> response = uniRestService.get(CURRENCIES_FORMAT);
       if (response.getStatus() != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
           return null;

       String jsonList = response.getBody().getObject().get(CURRENCIES_KEY).toString();

       return objectMapper.readValue(jsonList, new TypeReference<List<CurrencyDto>>() {
  • @Autowired is an annotation that says that you need to inject an object into this class and use it without creating it, that is, without the new Object operation;
  • @Component is an annotation that says that this object must be added to the Application Context so that it can later be injected using the @Autowired annotation;
  • ObjectMapper objectMapper is an object from the Jackson Project that translates all this into Java objects.
  • CurrencyDTO and CountryDto:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import lombok.Data;

* Data transfer object for Currency.
public class CurrencyDto {

   private String code;

   private String symbol;

   private String thousandsSeparator;

   private String decimalSeparator;

   private boolean symbolOnLeft;

   private boolean spaceBetweenAmountAndSymbol;

   private int roundingCoefficient;

   private int decimalDigits;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import lombok.Data;

* Data transfer object for Country.
public class CountryDto {

   private String code;

   private String name;
To inject an ObjectMapper into any part of the project, I added creating and adding it to the ApplicationContext via a configuration class.
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.jsr310.JavaTimeModule;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

* {@link Configuration} class.
public class Config {

   public ObjectMapper objectMapper() {
       ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
       objectMapper.registerModule(new JavaTimeModule());
       return objectMapper;
The @Configuration annotation tells Spring that there will be some configurations in this class. And just for this I added ObjectMapper. Similarly, we add PlacesClient and PlacesClientImpl:
import com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.dto.PlaceDto;
import com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.dto.PlacesDto;
import com.mashape.unirest.http.exceptions.UnirestException;
import java.util.List;

* SkyScanner client.
public interface PlacesClient {

    * Get a list of places that match a query string based on arguments.
    * @param query the code of the city.
    * @param country the code of the country.
    * @param currency the code of the currency.
    * @param locale the code of the locale.
    * @return the collection of the {@link PlaceDto} objects.
   List<PlacesDto> retrieveListPlaces(String query, String country, String currency, String locale)
           throws IOException, UnirestException;
import static com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.service.impl.UniRestServiceImpl.PLACES_FORMAT;
import static com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.service.impl.UniRestServiceImpl.PLACES_KEY;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.dto.PlacesDto;
import com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.service.PlacesClient;
import com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.service.UniRestService;
import com.mashape.unirest.http.HttpResponse;
import com.mashape.unirest.http.JsonNode;
import com.mashape.unirest.http.exceptions.UnirestException;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

* {@inheritDoc}
public class PlacesClientImpl implements PlacesClient {

   private UniRestService uniRestService;

   private ObjectMapper objectMapper;

    * {@inheritDoc}
   public List<PlacesDto> retrieveListPlaces(String query, String country, String currency, String locale)
           throws IOException, UnirestException {
       HttpResponse<JsonNode> response = uniRestService
               .get(String.format(PLACES_FORMAT, country, currency, locale, query));

       if (response.getStatus() != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
           return null;

       String jsonList = response.getBody().getObject().get(PLACES_KEY).toString();

       return objectMapper.readValue(jsonList, new TypeReference<List<PlacesDto>>() {
where PlacesDto has the form:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.service.PlacesClient;
import lombok.Data;

* Using for {@link PlacesClient}.
public class PlacesDto {

   private String placeId;

   private String placeName;

   private String countryId;

   private String regionId;

   private String cityId;

   private String countryName;
And finally, a client service that, based on the necessary data, will return the minimum price for a flight and all the necessary information: FlightPriceClient and FlightPriceClientImpl. We will implement only one request, browseQuotes. FlightPriceClient:
import com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.dto.FlightPricesDto;

* Browse flight prices.
public interface FlightPricesClient {

    * Browse quotes for current flight based on provided arguments. One-way ticket.
    * @param country the country from
    * @param currency the currency to get price
    * @param locale locale for the response
    * @param originPlace origin place
    * @param destinationPlace destination place
    * @param outboundPartialDate outbound date
    * @return {@link FlightPricesDto} object.
   FlightPricesDto browseQuotes(String country, String currency, String locale, String originPlace,
           String destinationPlace, String outboundPartialDate);

    * Browse quotes for current flight based on provided arguments. Round trip ticket.
    * @param country the country from
    * @param currency the currency to get price
    * @param locale locale for the response
    * @param originPlace origin place
    * @param destinationPlace destination place
    * @param outboundPartialDate outbound date
    * @param inboundPartialDate inbound date
    * @return {@link FlightPricesDto} object.
   FlightPricesDto browseQuotes(String country, String currency, String locale, String originPlace,
           String destinationPlace, String outboundPartialDate, String inboundPartialDate);
import static com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.service.impl.UniRestServiceImpl.CURRENCIES_KEY;
import static com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.service.impl.UniRestServiceImpl.PLACES_KEY;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.dto.CarrierDto;
import com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.dto.CurrencyDto;
import com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.dto.FlightPricesDto;
import com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.dto.PlaceDto;
import com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.dto.QuoteDto;
import com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.dto.ValidationErrorDto;
import com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.service.FlightPricesClient;
import com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.service.UniRestService;
import com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.exception.FlightClientException;
import com.mashape.unirest.http.HttpResponse;
import com.mashape.unirest.http.JsonNode;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

* {@inheritDoc}
public class FlightPricesClientImpl implements FlightPricesClient {

   public static final String BROWSE_QUOTES_FORMAT = "/apiservices/browsequotes/v1.0/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s";
   public static final String OPTIONAL_BROWSE_QUOTES_FORMAT = BROWSE_QUOTES_FORMAT + "?inboundpartialdate=%s";

   public static final String QUOTES_KEY = "Quotes";
   public static final String ROUTES_KEY = "Routes";
   public static final String DATES_KEY = "Dates";
   public static final String CARRIERS_KEY = "Carriers";
   public static final String VALIDATIONS_KEY = "ValidationErrors";

   private UniRestService uniRestService;

   private ObjectMapper objectMapper;

    * {@inheritDoc}
   public FlightPricesDto browseQuotes(String country, String currency, String locale, String originPlace,
           String destinationPlace, String outboundPartialDate) {

       HttpResponse<JsonNode> response = uniRestService.get(String
               .format(BROWSE_QUOTES_FORMAT, country, currency, locale, originPlace, destinationPlace,
       return mapToObject(response);

   public FlightPricesDto browseQuotes(String country, String currency, String locale, String originPlace,
           String destinationPlace, String outboundPartialDate, String inboundPartialDate) {
       HttpResponse<JsonNode> response = uniRestService.get(String
               .format(OPTIONAL_BROWSE_QUOTES_FORMAT, country, currency, locale, originPlace, destinationPlace,
                       outboundPartialDate, inboundPartialDate));
       return mapToObject(response);

   private FlightPricesDto mapToObject(HttpResponse<JsonNode> response) {
       if (response.getStatus() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
           FlightPricesDto flightPricesDto = new FlightPricesDto();
                   new TypeReference<List<QuoteDto>>() {
                   new TypeReference<List<CarrierDto>>() {
                   new TypeReference<List<CurrencyDto>>() {
                   new TypeReference<List<PlaceDto>>() {
           return flightPricesDto;
       throw new FlightClientException(String.format("There are validation errors. statusCode = %s", response.getStatus()),
                       new TypeReference<List<ValidationErrorDto>>() {

   private <T> List<T> readValue(String resultAsString, TypeReference<List<T>> valueTypeRef) {
       List<T> list;
       try {
           list = objectMapper.readValue(resultAsString, valueTypeRef);
       } catch (IOException e) {
           throw new FlightClientException("Object Mapping failure.", e);
       return list;
where FlightClientException looks like:
import com.github.romankh3.flightsmonitoring.client.dto.ValidationErrorDto;
import java.util.List;

* A {@link RuntimeException} that is thrown in case of an flight monitoring failures.
public final class FlightClientException extends RuntimeException {

   public FlightClientException(String message) {

   public FlightClientException(String message, Throwable throwable) {
       super(message, throwable);

   public FlightClientException(String message, List<ValidationErrorDto> errors) {
       this.validationErrorDtos = errors;

   private List<ValidationErrorDto> validationErrorDtos;
As a result, according to data from PlacesCl
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