JavaRush/Java Blog/Random EN/Create a telegram bot using Spring Boot Pt.2: Quiz Bot
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Create a telegram bot using Spring Boot Pt.2: Quiz Bot

Published in the Random EN group
PART 1 Aloha! In the previous article, we created a simple bot that welcomed us to any event. We have already written more than one thousand lines of code, and it's time to add more complex functionality to our bot. Today we will try to write a simple bot in order to hone our knowledge of Java Core in our free time before interviews (surprisingly, I have not found a single working bot of this kind). To do this, we will do the following:
  • connect an external Postgres database to Heroku;
  • write our first scripts to initialize and populate the database;
  • connect Spring Boot Data JPA to work with the database;
  • we implement various scenarios of bot behavior.
If this is interesting to you, and after reading the article, you do not want to throw rotten tomatoes, then put an asterisk in my repository , I will be pleased! If you have any questions, we will discuss them in the comments. Here's what we end up with: Create a telegram bot using Spring Boot Pt.2: Quiz Bot - 1Create a telegram bot using Spring Boot Pt.2: Quiz Bot - 2Create a telegram bot using Spring Boot Pt.2: Quiz Bot - 3<h2>So let's go!</h2><h3>Creating a database on Heroku</h3>Let's start by creating our first external database. For local work, I recommend checking out pgAdmin . But I want you to be guided by the fact that in the future you will deploy the bot on Heroku so that it does not depend on your local machine, and for this, let's get acquainted with this service. Procedure:
  • register on Heroku ;
  • We go to our dashboard -> New -> Create new app and create a new application;
  • We go into a freshly created application, we are frightened by a lot of buttons, but we concentrate on the "Installed add-ons" panel - next to it there is a Configure Add-ons button, we press it;
  • In the search, enter "Heroku Postgres", select the plan "Hobby Dev - Free" -> Submit Order Form;
  • Open the freshly obtained database -> Settings -> View Credentials. This tab will contain our keys to access the database. We remember their location - we will need them to connect the database, as a DataSource in IDEA.
<h3>Adding dependencies to pom.xml</h3>As part of the work on our bot, we will add the following dependencies to our pom: Lombok, Spring Boot Data JPA, PostgreSQL. Stop! What is it all and why are we adding it?
  • Lombok is a library thanks to which we will significantly reduce the amount of various code. With it, we can automatically create constructors, setters, getters, and more.
  • Spring Data JPA is a database framework (although it sounds too simple). The description of the features of Spring Data JPA pulls into a series of articles, and the dependency we have indicated still pulls with it Hibernate and much more, so let's skip the details and just try to write something using Spring JPA today.
  • PostgreSQL - we pull the library to get a driver that will work with our database.
Our pom.xml starts looking like this: Properties: Create a telegram bot using Spring Boot Pt.2: Quiz Bot - 1Dependencies: Create a telegram bot using Spring Boot Pt.2: Quiz Bot - 2If you haven't read the previous article, please note that we're adding new dependencies here, so it's not the full pom.xml structure. Do not forget to load these dependencies into our project (for example, by going to the Maven -> Reimport all Maven projects window).<h3>Connecting the database to IDEA</h3>If you use IDEA Community Edition, you can enable the DataSource tab as follows . After adding the plugin, we need to configure the DataSource. To do this, first enable the display of the plugin: View -> Tool Windows -> DB Browser. In the window that opens, click on the green plus (new connection) -> PostgreSQL. Here we need the credentials that we have already seen on Heroku. Filling out the window:Create a telegram bot using Spring Boot Pt.2: Quiz Bot - 3And click "Test Connection". If everything is done correctly, a pop-up window will appear about the successful connection to the database. Save our Data Source.<h3>Create tables in the database</h3>Now let's create the tables we will work with. Let's install PostgreSQL first . After installation, create the initDB.sql file in the src/main/resources folder:

    id         INTEGER PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('global_seq'),
    chat_id    INTEGER UNIQUE                NOT NULL,
    name       VARCHAR                       NOT NULL,
    score      INTEGER             DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
    high_score INTEGER             DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
    bot_state  VARCHAR                       NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE java_quiz
    id             INTEGER PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('global_seq'),
    question       VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    answer_correct VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    option1        VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    option2        VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    option3        VARCHAR NOT NULL
What does our script do? The first two lines erase the tables, if any, in order to re-create them. The third line creates a sequence that will be used to create unique id entries in our database. Next, we create two tables: for users and for questions. The user will have a unique id, telegram chat id, name, number of points (current and maximum), as well as the current status of the bot. Questions will also have a unique id, as well as fields responsible for the question and the answer options for it. We can execute the resulting script by right-clicking on it and selecting "Execute SQL Script". Particular attention should be paid to the item "Cmd-Line interface" - here we need a freshly installed PostgreSQL. When configuring this field, select "New Cmd-Line interface" and specify the path to psql.exe. As a result, the settings should look something like this:Create a telegram bot using Spring Boot Pt.2: Quiz Bot - 4We execute the script and if we didn't make a mistake anywhere, then the result of our work will be as follows: Create a telegram bot using Spring Boot Pt.2: Quiz Bot - 8<h3>Creating a model</h3>Now it's time to return to writing Java code. For the sake of brevity, I will omit the description of the annotations used to write the classes so that you can familiarize yourself with them. Let's create a model package, in which we will have three classes:
  • AbstractBaseEntity - a class that describes any object that can have an id (this class is a strong simplification of what you can see in the internship):
    package com.whiskels.telegram.model;
    import lombok.Getter;
    import lombok.Setter;
    import javax.persistence.*;
    // Аннотация, которая говорит нам, что это суперкласс для всех Entity
    // Аннотации Lombok для автогенерации сеттеров и геттеров на все поля
    public abstract class AbstractBaseEntity {
    // Аннотации, описывающие механизм генерации id - разберитесь в documentации каждой!
        @SequenceGenerator(name = "global_seq", sequenceName = "global_seq", allocationSize = 1, initialValue = START_SEQ)
        @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "global_seq")
    //  See and
    //  Proxy initialization when accessing its identifier managed now by JPA_PROXY_COMPLIANCE setting
        protected Integer id;
        protected AbstractBaseEntity() {
  • User :
    package com.whiskels.telegram.model;
    import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
    import lombok.Getter;
    import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
    import lombok.Setter;
    import org.hibernate.annotations.BatchSize;
    import javax.persistence.*;
    import javax.validation.constraints.NotBlank;
    import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
    import java.util.Set;
    import static javax.persistence.FetchType.EAGER;
    @Table(name = "users", uniqueConstraints = {@UniqueConstraint(columnNames = "chat_id", name = "users_unique_chatid_idx")})
    public class User extends AbstractBaseEntity {
        @Column(name = "chat_id", unique = true, nullable = false)
        private Integer chatId;
        @Column(name = "name", unique = true, nullable = false)
        private String name;
        @Column(name = "score", nullable = false)
        private Integer score;
        @Column(name = "high_score", nullable = false)
        private Integer highScore;
        @Column(name = "bot_state", nullable = false)
        private State botState;
    // Конструктор нужен для создания нового пользователя (а может и нет? :))
        public User(int chatId) {
            this.chatId = chatId;
   = String.valueOf(chatId);
            this.score = 0;
            this.highScore = 0;
            this.botState = State.START;
  • Question class :
    package com.whiskels.telegram.model;
    import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
    import lombok.Getter;
    import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
    import lombok.Setter;
    import javax.persistence.Column;
    import javax.persistence.Entity;
    import javax.persistence.Table;
    import javax.validation.constraints.NotBlank;
    @Table(name = "java_quiz")
    public class Question extends AbstractBaseEntity {
        @Column(name = "question", nullable = false)
        private String question;
        @Column(name = "answer_correct", nullable = false)
        private String correctAnswer;
        @Column(name = "option2", nullable = false)
        private String optionOne;
        @Column(name = "option1", nullable = false)
        private String optionTwo;
        @Column(name = "option3", nullable = false)
        private String optionThree;
        public String toString() {
            return "Question{" +
                    "question='" + question + '\'' +
                    ", correctAnswer='" + correctAnswer + '\'' +
                    ", optionOne='" + optionOne + '\'' +
                    ", optionTwo='" + optionTwo + '\'' +
                    ", optionThree='" + optionThree + '\'' +
<h3>Create the repositories</h3>Now let's write the Spring Data Jpa repositories. We create a package repository, which will have two interfaces : JpaUserRepository, JpaQuestionRepository. They will inherit from JpaRepository - the Spring Data interface, which allows us to practically do magic. To understand their work, I recommend watching Evgeny Borisov's video . Classes will be very small:
  • JpaUserRepository:
    package com.whiskels.telegram.repository;
    import com.whiskels.telegram.model.User;
    import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
    import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
    import java.util.Optional;
    @Transactional(readOnly = true)
    public interface JpaUserRepository extends JpaRepository<user, integer=""> {
    // По названию метода Spring сам поймет, что мы хотим получить пользователя по переданному chatId
        Optional<user> getByChatId(int chatId);
  • JpaQuestionRepository:
    package com.whiskels.telegram.repository;
    import com.whiskels.telegram.model.Question;
    @Transactional(readOnly = true)
    public interface JpaQuestionRepository extends JpaRepository<question, integer=""> {
    // А здесь мы написали SQL Query, которая будет выбирать 1 случайный вопрос из таблицы вопросов
        @Query(nativeQuery = true, value = "SELECT *  FROM java_quiz ORDER BY random() LIMIT 1")
        Question getRandomQuestion();
<h3>Adding functionality to the bot</h3>In the User class , we have a field of the State class that has not yet been created , which will tell us at what stage the user is currently working with the bot. Let's create it in the /bot package:

public enum State {
Next, we will create a bot/handler package in which we will declare the handler interface:

import com.whiskels.telegram.model.User;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.PartialBotApiMethod;

import java.util.List;

public interface Handler {

// основной метод, который будет обрабатывать действия пользователя
    List<partialbotapimethod<? extends="" serializable="">> handle(User user, String message);
// метод, который позволяет узнать, можем ли мы обработать текущий State у пользователя
    State operatedBotState();
// метод, который позволяет узнать, Howие команды CallBackQuery мы можем обработать в этом классе
    List<string> operatedCallBackQuery();

We'll create the handlers a bit later, but for now, let's delegate event handling to the new UpdateReceiver class , which we'll create at the root of the bot package: ATTENTION! Here and below there will be methods that are displayed as List> handle(args); in fact, they look like this, but the code formatter broke them:Create a telegram bot using Spring Boot Pt.2: Quiz Bot - 6

import com.whiskels.telegram.model.User;
import com.whiskels.telegram.repository.JpaUserRepository;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.PartialBotApiMethod;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.CallbackQuery;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.Message;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.Update;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

public class UpdateReceiver {
    // Храним доступные хендлеры в списке (подсмотрел у Miroha)
    private final List<handler> handlers;
    // Имеем доступ в базу пользователей
    private final JpaUserRepository userRepository;

    public UpdateReceiver(List<handler> handlers, JpaUserRepository userRepository) {
        this.handlers = handlers;
        this.userRepository = userRepository;

    // Обрабатываем полученный Update
    public List<partialbotapimethod<? extends="" serializable="">> handle(Update update) {
        // try-catch, чтобы при несуществующей команде просто возвращать пустой список
        try {
            // Проверяем, если Update - сообщение с текстом
            if (isMessageWithText(update)) {
                // Получаем Message из Update
                final Message message = update.getMessage();
                // Получаем айди чата с пользователем
                final int chatId = message.getFrom().getId();

                // Просим у репозитория пользователя. Если такого пользователя нет - создаем нового и возвращаем его.
                // Как раз на случай нового пользователя мы и сделали конструктор с одним параметром в классе User
                final User user = userRepository.getByChatId(chatId)
                        .orElseGet(() -> User(chatId)));
                // Ищем нужный обработчик и возвращаем результат его работы
                return getHandlerByState(user.getBotState()).handle(user, message.getText());

            } else if (update.hasCallbackQuery()) {
                final CallbackQuery callbackQuery = update.getCallbackQuery();
                final int chatId = callbackQuery.getFrom().getId();
                final User user = userRepository.getByChatId(chatId)
                        .orElseGet(() -> User(chatId)));

                return getHandlerByCallBackQuery(callbackQuery.getData()).handle(user, callbackQuery.getData());

            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
            return Collections.emptyList();

    private Handler getHandlerByState(State state) {
                .filter(h -> h.operatedBotState() != null)
                .filter(h -> h.operatedBotState().equals(state))

    private Handler getHandlerByCallBackQuery(String query) {
                .filter(h -> h.operatedCallBackQuery().stream()

    private boolean isMessageWithText(Update update) {
        return !update.hasCallbackQuery() && update.hasMessage() && update.getMessage().hasText();

And we delegate processing to it in the Bot class:

import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.bots.TelegramLongPollingBot;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.PartialBotApiMethod;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send.SendMessage;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.Update;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.exceptions.TelegramApiException;

import java.util.List;

public class Bot extends TelegramLongPollingBot {
    private String botUsername;

    private String botToken;

    private final UpdateReceiver updateReceiver;

    public Bot(UpdateReceiver updateReceiver) {
        this.updateReceiver = updateReceiver;

    public void onUpdateReceived(Update update) {
        List<partialbotapimethod<? extends="" serializable="">> messagesToSend = updateReceiver.handle(update);

        if (messagesToSend != null && !messagesToSend.isEmpty()) {
            messagesToSend.forEach(response -> {
                if (response instanceof SendMessage) {
                    executeWithExceptionCheck((SendMessage) response);

    public void executeWithExceptionCheck(SendMessage sendMessage) {
        try {
        } catch (TelegramApiException e) {

Now our bot delegates event handling to the UpdateReceiver class , but we don't have handlers yet. Let's create them! DISCLAIMER! I really wanted to share the possibilities for writing such a bot, so the further code (as well as the UpdateReceiver code in principle) can be very well refactored using various patterns. But we are learning and our goal is a minimum viable bot, so as another homework, you can refactor everything that you saw :) Create a util package, and in it the TelegramUtil class :
package com.whiskels.telegram.util;

import com.whiskels.telegram.model.User;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send.SendMessage;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.replykeyboard.buttons.InlineKeyboardButton;

public class TelegramUtil {
    public static SendMessage createMessageTemplate(User user) {
        return createMessageTemplate(String.valueOf(user.getChatId()));

    // Создаем шаблон SendMessage с включенным Markdown
    public static SendMessage createMessageTemplate(String chatId) {
        return new SendMessage()

    // Создаем кнопку
    public static InlineKeyboardButton createInlineKeyboardButton(String text, String command) {
        return new InlineKeyboardButton()
We will write four handlers: HelpHandler, QuizHandler, RegistrationHandler, StartHandler. Start Handler:

import com.whiskels.telegram.model.User;
import com.whiskels.telegram.repository.JpaUserRepository;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.PartialBotApiMethod;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send.SendMessage;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

import static com.whiskels.telegram.util.TelegramUtil.createMessageTemplate;

public class StartHandler implements Handler {
    private String botUsername;

    private final JpaUserRepository userRepository;

    public StartHandler(JpaUserRepository userRepository) {
        this.userRepository = userRepository;

    public List<partialbotapimethod<? extends="" serializable="">> handle(User user, String message) {
        // Приветствуем пользователя
        SendMessage welcomeMessage = createMessageTemplate(user)
                        "Hola! I'm *%s*%nI am here to help you learn Java", botUsername
        // Просим назваться
        SendMessage registrationMessage = createMessageTemplate(user)
                .setText("In order to start our journey tell me your name");
        // Меняем пользователю статус на - "ожидание ввода имени"

        return List.of(welcomeMessage, registrationMessage);

    public State operatedBotState() {
        return State.START;

    public List<string> operatedCallBackQuery() {
        return Collections.emptyList();


import com.whiskels.telegram.model.User;
import com.whiskels.telegram.repository.JpaUserRepository;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.PartialBotApiMethod;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.replykeyboard.InlineKeyboardMarkup;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.replykeyboard.buttons.InlineKeyboardButton;

import java.util.List;

import static;
import static com.whiskels.telegram.util.TelegramUtil.createInlineKeyboardButton;
import static com.whiskels.telegram.util.TelegramUtil.createMessageTemplate;

public class RegistrationHandler implements Handler {
    //Храним поддерживаемые CallBackQuery в виде констант
    public static final String NAME_ACCEPT = "/enter_name_accept";
    public static final String NAME_CHANGE = "/enter_name";
    public static final String NAME_CHANGE_CANCEL = "/enter_name_cancel";

    private final JpaUserRepository userRepository;

    public RegistrationHandler(JpaUserRepository userRepository) {
        this.userRepository = userRepository;

    public List<partialbotapimethod<? extends="" serializable="">> handle(User user, String message) {
        // Проверяем тип полученного события
        if (message.equalsIgnoreCase(NAME_ACCEPT) || message.equalsIgnoreCase(NAME_CHANGE_CANCEL)) {
            return accept(user);
        } else if (message.equalsIgnoreCase(NAME_CHANGE)) {
            return changeName(user);
        return checkName(user, message);


    private List<partialbotapimethod<? extends="" serializable="">> accept(User user) {
        // Если пользователь принял Name - меняем статус и сохраняем

        // Создаем кнопку для начала игры
        InlineKeyboardMarkup inlineKeyboardMarkup = new InlineKeyboardMarkup();

        List<inlinekeyboardbutton> inlineKeyboardButtonsRowOne = List.of(
                createInlineKeyboardButton("Start quiz", QUIZ_START));


        return List.of(createMessageTemplate(user).setText(String.format(
                "Your name is saved as: %s", user.getName()))

    private List<partialbotapimethod<? extends="" serializable="">> checkName(User user, String message) {
        // При проверке имени мы превентивно сохраняем пользователю новое Name в базе
        // идея для рефакторинга - добавить временное хранение имени

        // Doing кнопку для применения изменений
        InlineKeyboardMarkup inlineKeyboardMarkup = new InlineKeyboardMarkup();

        List<inlinekeyboardbutton> inlineKeyboardButtonsRowOne = List.of(
                createInlineKeyboardButton("Accept", NAME_ACCEPT));


        return List.of(createMessageTemplate(user)
                .setText(String.format("You have entered: %s%nIf this is correct - press the button", user.getName()))

    private List<partialbotapimethod<? extends="" serializable="">> changeName(User user) {
        // При requestе изменения имени мы меняем State

        // Создаем кнопку для отмены операции
        InlineKeyboardMarkup inlineKeyboardMarkup = new InlineKeyboardMarkup();

        List<inlinekeyboardbutton> inlineKeyboardButtonsRowOne = List.of(
                createInlineKeyboardButton("Cancel", NAME_CHANGE_CANCEL));


        return List.of(createMessageTemplate(user).setText(String.format(
                "Your current name is: %s%nEnter new name or press the button to continue", user.getName()))

    public State operatedBotState() {
        return State.ENTER_NAME;

    public List<string> operatedCallBackQuery() {

Help Handler:

import com.whiskels.telegram.model.User;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.PartialBotApiMethod;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.methods.send.SendMessage;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.replykeyboard.InlineKeyboardMarkup;
import org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.replykeyboard.buttons.InlineKeyboardButton;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

import static;
import static com.whiskels.telegram.util.TelegramUtil.createInlineKeyboardButton;
import static com.whiskels.telegram.util.TelegramUtil.createMessageTemplate;

public class HelpHandler implements Handler {

    public List<partialbotapimethod<? extends="" serializable="">> handle(User user, String message) {
        // Создаем кнопку для смены имени
        InlineKeyboardMarkup inlineKeyboardMarkup = new InlineKeyboardMarkup();

        List<inlinekeyboardbutton> inlineKeyboardButtonsRowOne = List.of(
                createInlineKeyboardButton("Change name", NAME_CHANGE));


        return List.of(createMessageTemplate(user).setText(String.format("" +
                "You've asked for help %s? Here it comes!", user.getName()))


    public State operatedBotState() {
        return State.NONE;

    public List<string> operatedCallBackQuery() {
        return Collections.emptyList();

QuizHandler (most awful
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