JavaRush/Java Blog/Random EN/Video Weekend #60. We learn three ways to work with Docke...

Video Weekend #60. We learn three ways to work with Docker with Java, get acquainted with the Helidon set of Java libraries, listen to tips on how to speed up the job search for a programmer, and ask 30 questions to a DevOps engineer

Published in the Random EN group

Three Ways to Use Docker with JAVA

It is unlikely that anyone would argue that Docker is the best way to “package” an application into a container. Later, you can run the container in any environment you need: including on a virtual server or in the cloud. There are at least three ways to use Docker for a Java project. Today you will learn how to work with them from the video prepared for you by the author of the Codelike YouTube channel. You will also be introduced to the advantages and disadvantages of each method of working with Docker. All the methods that will be discussed are taken from the example of Spring Boot.

Dmitry Kornilov - Who is Helidon and what can be done with it?

Dmitry Kornilov, a Java developer from the Prague office of Oracle, presented a report on Helidon, a popular set of Java libraries for creating microservices. After watching the video, you will learn what Helidon is, how it works in the system of modern microservice development tools, and how it differs from them. Part of Dmitry's report is devoted to reactive programming, support for MicroProfile and GraalVM, modern tracing and monitoring tools. In addition, viewers will see a demo of building two RESTful services using reactive programming and MicroProfile.

9 ways to speed up the job search for a novice programmer

If you think that you have already reached the stage of finding your first job as a developer, then you will definitely like the video with nine "tips" from Antonina Listopadova. The girl devoted her video to the most effective, in her opinion, tips on how to speed up the job search for a novice programmer. Probably, some of the recommendations that Tonya voiced are already familiar to you, but you will hear the rest of the tips for the first time. The video will benefit anyone who is looking for a job or has trouble passing interviews.

30 Stupid DevOps Engineer Questions

The Minsk Java Community video presented here contains the most accurate and informative information about the work of DevOps engineers. If you still don’t know what this category of IT specialists does and how they are related to software development, don’t take a few minutes of your time to watch this interview. The video will be useful not only for experienced developers, but also for beginners - those who are just planning a career advancement in their company.
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