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Level 35

Java Developer Development Roadmap in 2021! Experience, motivation, life hacks and useful links/resources/sites/channels

Published in the Random EN group
Opinion on completing the JR course: 1) When passing the level, I recommend immediately reading all the lectures and be sure to read the comments (all the valuable information and links are there). 2) I highly recommend understanding the algorithm itself. By understanding it, you can quickly solve all problems. Think of it as English. There are simply formulas (temporal, sentence type, modal words) and different initial data for the task (set of words). 3) As I google and read comments (the main skill of a developer in real life and the main skill acquired in JR). You will receive that treasured skill of self-learning and self-understanding! 4) There are a large number of different channels, bloggers, etc. As you search for solutions, you will get to know them all :) I recommend not clinging to everything, but finding a “course”, that is, step-by-step training in practice/theory. Anything: self-study sites or YouTube. Java developer development roadmap in 2021!  Experience, motivation, life hacks and useful links/resources/sites/channels.  - 1 How not to get confused and not to go astray in all this?) A scheme for understanding the full scale 🌌 Have a clear idea of ​​what awaits you: 1) Here is a link to understand the seriousness of the programmer profession, this is not to look at pictures with Futurs and have a “correct solution” button ". The link is an article about an internship that JR gives, I recommend looking at it, the stack of technologies and skills is very high (a developer I know said that this is a stack for a full stack) 2) Try writing a game in JR. This will give you an opportunity to understand how much work a programmer does. It’s better to look at the internship test task and its solutions on open GitHub repositories. Once you understand how serious it is, you will take simple tasks more seriously. The faster you bring them to “automation”, the faster you will move forward. From really practical points, I recommend: 1) Help junior colleagues in the “help” section (learn how to correctly express thoughts/repetition + mini senior experience); 2) Codewars (site with puzzles in English); 3) @javaquiz_mentor (channel: Java tasks and questions, simple brain training for every day 🧠); 4) Read a book about Java. This forms your system of thinking. Sergei Nemchinsky once said that the main criterion by which it is clear that a person can become a programmer is the ability to express his thoughts. Writing code is similar, just different symbols and logic are used. 5) Surround yourself with inspiration. We do something because we enjoy it. And these are not always dry numbers. You can find a successful IT specialist in networks (who you will like as a person, his lifestyle/thinking style), make a small product that will be useful to society (for example, a telegram bot); 6) Engage in productivity: routine/habits/goals&plan/affirmations. Program your day for productivity!); 7) Bonus - the best site to start training the GitHub beast ;) learngitbranching And finally, the main thing in JR is the community, actively use this resource. But you can learn more effectively in some other courses and partially on your own (in my opinion). PS All this very much depends on the level of motivation and self-organization, although JR greatly contributes to this (sometimes in spite of it). Remember and take into account: Everyone has their own primary level of material and personal capabilities/mind/time... (due to which it is easier and faster to learn). Also, everyone has their own pace. Some develop faster, others develop more slowly. But the main thing is the result. Look at the statistics in JR. How many students reach a certain level? Analyze and draw conclusions. In a highly specialized (IT) and broad sense (human) - why people do not achieve results.