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Video Weekend #120. We learn to use databases with Java, effectively look for bugs in the code, recognize the level of the coder by the number of errors and create your own pet project

Published in the Random EN group

Using databases with Java (JDBC, Spring, Hibernate, MySQL, Derby, MS Access)

Developing a Java-based application requires database skills. This is especially important for independent developers and freelancers who are responsible for all stages of creating a program. Today's video from the “Programming and Life” channel is dedicated to using databases with Java. After watching this video, you will learn how to connect various databases to the application.

Efficiency of finding bugs in code (different methods)

The presence of bugs in the code is a problem that often leads to missed deadlines, loss of time and budget for the team. In addition, a large number of bugs in the application sooner or later raise questions about the qualifications of the developer. How to effectively find bugs in code? The creator of the YouTube channel S0ER decided to answer this question in detail in his stream. The author of the video shares his own methods of finding errors and gives useful tips to novice developers.

Bad code, how to recognize junior, middle and senior

How to understand the professional level of a developer based on program code? It turns out that this can be done based on how many errors the coder can see in it. The creator of the easyCodeRu channel will tell you in more detail today about his theory of recognizing juniors, middles and seniors.

How to create a pet project?

What is a pet project and how to create one? The JetBulb video offers a complete guide to developing a pet project. Today you will learn what you should pay attention to and how to go from choosing a topic to implementation. They will also tell you how to determine the functional and business requirements for such a project, and how to select the most appropriate technologies and tools for its implementation.