Now on New Year's Eve there are discounts on JavaRush and many who have completed the free 10 levels are thinking about buying a subscription. Some cannot afford such investments, some are lazy, some are simply not interested. I would like to share with you something that few people will tell you at the beginning levels, but which you will 80% agree with when you finish level 40. Who goes beyond level 10 - get ready for pain, suffering and humiliation. You will want to quit this course 40 times. You will abandon it 30 times - when you get tired of enduring the validator’s nagging, when you get tired of shouting at the monitor “What do you want, you bastard! I completed this three-times-over-the-knee-broken point! Die in agony!!!!”, when your head will go around, unable to accommodate a bunch of terms and concepts, their relationships, methods, overload options and solutions. Give up when your bottom is on fire, like Nero’s Rome, when after 5-6 lectures they will explain to you more or less what you needed to solve a big problem then. Stop because you'll get tired of the song "Bomboleo!" from your own mind. Quit because you are tired of assignments written by a patient with schizophasia and dictated by a patient with dyslexia. You will definitely quit this course 30 times. But the fact is that you will resume it the same 30 times. Renew, because the toad is strangling, subscription costs money, and your inner Jew feels bad. Renew because your brain will miss this alien validator written by an alien woman on the verge of acute schizophrenia. Renew because your inner vanga will ask you to develop it more and more. Resume, because this time before going to bed you understood exactly how to solve this damn problem, because there is only one thing left, that very place that needs to be corrected. You will resume because ideas will start popping into your head that you want to implement. Because in the end, you can and want to prove to everyone what you are capable of. Because you want to go work for Google, Yandex, Amazon, Aliexpress, UltimateProgDevAndResearchIncLimited LLC. Because you have long wanted to make such a game so that everyone would buy it and you would have such an enormous amount of money that your mother would stop comparing you with the children of her colleague/neighbor. Where will all this lead? You will learn to read other people's code. You will learn to read sources. You will begin to understand English better, much better. You will understand that ru.stackoverflow is a friend, but stackoverflow is the best friend. You will get acquainted with gitHub, start comparing your solutions with others, and not tell anyone about it. You will understand the main principle of programming the hard way (about a bicycle, yeah). You'll learn how to refactor your code, love, care for, and cherish your native IDE, and learn all (not) of its keyboard shortcuts. You will be able to write such a function that you will want to show it to everyone - it is so witty, original and magical. Even the fact that the validator will not like it and will have to be rewritten in Indian, will not reduce your emotions for a moment. In the end, sometimes thanks, sometimes despite, but you will become a programmer. And it will change you forever.