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How to add a library to IntelliJ IDEA (using JAXB as an example)

Published in the Random EN group
Sometimes the simplest things stall the learning process. It’s like going to a driving lesson and spending the first hour and a half just looking for the key to get into the car. This article is the kind of key that, as a newbie, I was missing in the right place. So: 1. Follow the link: and type “jaxb” in the search bar. How to add JAXB collections to IntelliJ IDEA - 1 We need JAXB API and JAXB Runtime How to add JAXB collections to IntelliJ IDEA - 2 How to add JAXB collections to IntelliJ IDEA - 3 2. Click on JAXB API. Opens: How to add JAXB collections to IntelliJ IDEA - 4 Here we select the version ( Version column ). How to add JAXB collections to IntelliJ IDEA - 5 I chose the latest popular one - 2.3.1. Click on the selected version number. Opens: How to add JAXB collections to IntelliJ IDEA - 6 3. If there is a jar file in the Files line, you can download it immediately. If not, click “View All” and download the required (jaxb-api-2.3.1.jar) file in the window that opens: How to add JAXB collections to IntelliJ IDEA - 7 4. Similarly to steps 2-3, download the jar file for JAXB Runtime. 5. We have downloaded everything we need, now we will add it to IntelliJ IDEA. 5.1 Open Project Structure: How to add JAXB collections to IntelliJ IDEA - 8 5.2 On the Libraries tab, click “+” and “Java” in the menu that appears. How to add JAXB collections to IntelliJ IDEA - 9 5.3 Select the downloaded file from the download folder on your computer and click “Open”. 5.4 Select the module to which we want to add the library. I selected the entire project. Click "OK". Then click “Apply” (below). How to add JAXB collections to IntelliJ IDEA - 10 5.5 Similar to points 5.1-5.4, add the JAXB Runtime jar file we downloaded. 5.6 Next, go to the Modules tab, select JavaCollections, and on the Dependencies tab click “+” (as in the screenshot) and “Library...” How to add JAXB collections to IntelliJ IDEA - 11 5.7 Select the required libraries and click “Add Selected” How to add JAXB collections to IntelliJ IDEA - 12 5.8 Select the newly added libraries and click “Apply” " and "OK". How to add JAXB collections to IntelliJ IDEA - 13 Everything is ready and you can start solving problems. Maybe I described it in too much detail, but it’s definitely clear :) I wish you success!