JavaRush/Java Blog/Random EN/Top 5 useful video courses on Java, part 2

Top 5 useful video courses on Java, part 2

Published in the Random EN group
In the previous article, we talked about several interesting YouTube channels that publish video tutorials on programming for beginners in Russian. This article will talk about the most interesting English-language resources. If your level of English is intermediate or higher, we recommend visiting these channels at least occasionally. At the same time, you will improve your technical English, it will definitely be useful to you. Of course, all these videos are just an addition to your studies. The main thing is not to forget to program every day! Top 5 useful video courses on Java, part 2 - 1

Derek Banas

During its existence, the Derek Banas channel has gained more than 70 million views and 764 thousand subscribers. The popularity is deserved: the channel contains videos on the topic of programming languages ​​for beginners, video lessons about a variety of technologies. Their creator, Derek Banas, is a born coder, and, in addition, knows how to explain complex things very clearly. So, if you know the language, try watching them. There are materials on C++, using Git, Android development and, of course, Java. On this channel we are most interested in Java programming for beginners , video tutorials on object-oriented design (highly recommend!), as well as a Java Algorithms section . The author regularly posts his code and comments on tutorials on the newthinktank website .


Probably one of the largest resources with educational videos in the world: there are about five thousand of them, 1.8 million subscribers and 382 million views. Not “Mr. Max,” of course, but also the result (just in case, I’ll tell you, it was bitter irony). If you are generally interested in the topic of “programming languages ​​for beginners,” thenewboston video tutorials are what you need. There are several thousand videos here, and all the content is at a very high level. As on the previous channel, here you can find video programming tutorials for beginners on a variety of topics, from JavaScript to Unreal, as well as many materials on topics not related to programming. Biology or geometry lessons, for example. In essence, we have before us a universal school and university resource with very high-quality content. We're of course most excited about Java, and there's plenty of it here. There is a playlist for beginners and intermediates . And, for example, in this section you will find Java video tutorials for beginner game makers (step-by-step development of a game with a graphical interface).
Top 5 useful video courses on Java, part 2 - 2

Cave of Programming

Another channel that contains video programming lessons for beginners, Cave of Programming is not only a collection of videos, but also online courses (paid and free). Instructor John Parcell worked as a programmer for a number of large companies for over 14 years before finally deciding that his calling was to train people. Welcome to John's Cave if you want to learn Java, Android, brush up on SQL or C++. In addition to “Java for Beginners ,” on the channel you will find playlists on collections , multithreading and Java 8 . I would especially like to note the very clear course on mobile development “Android Java” .

Java Brains

A large video channel dedicated to our favorite language and related technologies, as well as JavaScript. There are a number of courses worth checking out on Java EE technologies , as well as Spring , a basic course on Java 8 lambda expressions, Maven and Hibernate . As you understand, these are mainly topics that you will not need at the very start of your studies. They may be useful for those who have already completed at least half of the levels of the JavaRush online course .

Java Tutorial for Beginners

Unlike the previous channel, Java Tutorial for Beginners is beginner-friendly. Here you can find videos on the topic “Java programming from scratch”, videos covering almost all Java Core topics - syntax, OOP, threads, collections, servlets, but also about design patterns, SOA, web services and the Spring and Hibernate frameworks.

What's next?

All people are different. Some will prefer to learn programming from scratch using a self-instruction video, while others, on the contrary, will swear by books. My honest opinion: don't focus on one thing, choose several sources and grow while you can. Well, if you find some interesting channel that contains interesting video tutorials on programming from scratch outside of our list, leave the links in the comments!
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