JavaRush /Java Blog /Random EN /JUnit part I

JUnit part I

Published in the Random EN group

JUnit :: or how to love the JavaRush validator

JUnit part I - 1Briefly about why we need this beast? JUnit is a framework for automatically testing your good or not-so-good code. You can say: - why do I need this swing, I can easily and simply test my good Java code. You can write a lot of introductory lyrics, but I’m not much of a poet, let’s get down to business...

Create an object

And so, in order to test something, we first need a test object. We have a task ahead of us.
  1. We need an object that will store information about the User.
    1. Id - must be counted in the order in which the new user was added.
    2. Username.
    3. His age.
    4. Gender (male/female)
  2. It is necessary to provide storage of a list of users.

  3. The class must be able to.

    1. Generate a list of all users.
    2. Generate a list of users by gender (MALE/FEMALE).
    3. Return the number of users in the general list, and calculate the number based on the user's gender.
    4. Calculate the total amount by user age, and also take into account gender.
    5. Calculate the average age, both overall and by gender.
And so, let's start creating an object... Let's create a Java class Userthat will contain fields:
private int id;
private String name;
private int age;
private Sex sex;
This is enough to store user data, let's see what else is needed for the task. We need to somehow store all users, let's make a static field in our class allUsers, I think it's ok if it isMap<Integer, User>
private static Map<Integer, User> allUsers;
We also somehow need to assign a sequence number to users, let's create a static counter field, which, when creating a new user, will assign a sequence number Id to the user.
private static int countId = 0;
So, we seem to have sorted out the fields, let’s write a constructor for our object, and getters for the fields id, name, age, sex. There is nothing complicated with heterae, let’s ask IDEA for help , she will never refuse, and we’ll make the constructor a little tricky. The designer will be able to. Initialize the fields, check whether there is such an object in allUsers, if there is no such object, then increase our counter countId++and add it to the list of all users. And also initialize the field allUsers if it has not yet been initialized. For the convenience of searching for identical objects, we will redefine the methods equals()and hashCode(), again we will ask for help from our beloved IDEA and compare by fields name, age, sex. Plus, let's create a private method hasUser()that will check whether such an object is in the list.
public boolean equals(Object o) {
    if (this == o) return true;
    if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
    User user = (User) o;
    return age == user.age &&
            Objects.equals(name, &&
            sex ==;

public int hashCode() {

    return Objects.hash(name, age, sex);
In the end, I ended up with a designer like this.
public User(String name, int age, Sex sex) {
    if (allUsers == null){
        allUsers = new HashMap<>();
    } = name;
    this.age = age; = sex;

    if (!hasUser()){
        countId++; = countId;
        allUsers.put(id, this);
and a private helper method
private boolean hasUser(){
    for (User user : allUsers.values()){
        if (user.equals(this) && user.hashCode() == this.hashCode()){
            return true;
    return false;
and also redefinetoString()
public String toString() {
    return "User{" +
            "id=" + id +
            ", name='" + name + '\'' +
            ", age=" + age +
            ", sex=" + sex +
Now it's time to implement the logic of the required methods. Since the logic will mainly work with static fields, we will also make the methods static; they are not needed for objects.
  1. Generate a list of all users.
  2. Generate a list of users by gender (MALE/FEMALE).
  3. Points a and b can be handled well by a method getAllUsers()that will return a list of all User, and an overloaded method getAllUsers(Sex sex)that will return a list, depending on the passed parameter Sex.

    public static List<User> getAllUsers(){
        return new ArrayList<>(allUsers.values());
    public static List<User> getAllUsers(Sex sex){
        List<User> listAllUsers = new ArrayList<>();
        for (User user : allUsers.values()){
            if ( == sex){
        return listAllUsers;

  4. Return the number of users in the general list, and calculate the number based on the user's gender.

    public static int getHowManyUsers(){
        return allUsers.size();
    public static int getHowManyUsers(Sex sex){
        return getAllUsers(sex).size();

  5. Calculate the total amount by user age, and also take into account gender. Let's create methods for this task.

    public static int getAllAgeUsers(){
        int countAge = 0;
        for (User user : allUsers.values()){
            countAge += user.age;
        return countAge;
    public static int getAllAgeUsers(Sex sex){
        int countAge = 0;
        for (User user : getAllUsers(sex)){
            countAge += user.age;
        return countAge;

  6. Calculate the average age, both overall and by gender.

    public static int getAverageAgeOfAllUsers(){
        return getAllAgeUsers() / getHowManyUsers();
    public static int getAverageAgeOfAllUsers(Sex sex){
        return getAllAgeUsers(sex) / getHowManyUsers(sex);

    Great, we have described the required object and its behavior. Now we can move on to JUnit , but first I’ll show you what a simple test will look like if we do it in main .

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new User("Eugene", 35, Sex.MALE);
        new User("Marina", 34, Sex.FEMALE);
        new User("Alina", 7, Sex.FEMALE);
        System.out.println("All users:");
        System.out.println("All users: MALE");
        System.out.println("All users: FEMALE");
        System.out.println(" all users: " + User.getHowManyUsers());
        System.out.println(" all MALE users: " + User.getHowManyUsers(Sex.MALE));
        System.out.println("all FEMALE users: " + User.getHowManyUsers(Sex.FEMALE));
        System.out.println(" total age of all users: " + User.getAllAgeUsers());
        System.out.println(" total age of all MALE users: " + User.getAllAgeUsers(Sex.MALE));
        System.out.println("total age of all FEMALE users: " + User.getAllAgeUsers(Sex.FEMALE));
        System.out.println(" average age of all users: " + User.getAverageAgeOfAllUsers());
        System.out.println(" average age of all MALE users: " + User.getAverageAgeOfAllUsers(Sex.MALE));
        System.out.println("average age of all FEMALE users: " + User.getAverageAgeOfAllUsers(Sex.FEMALE));

    The output to the console will look something like this, and then we’ll compare whether we got normal operation. We can, of course, go deeper, write comparison logic, and see what our calculation says, even though we will not be sure that we were able to provide for everything.

    Все пользователи:
    User{id=1, name='Eugene', age=35, sex=MALE}
    User{id=2, name='Marina', age=34, sex=FEMALE}
    User{id=3, name='Alina', age=7, sex=FEMALE}
    Все пользователи: MALE
    User{id=1, name='Eugene', age=35, sex=MALE}
    Все пользователи: FEMALE
    User{id=2, name='Marina', age=34, sex=FEMALE}
    User{id=3, name='Alina', age=7, sex=FEMALE}
           всех пользователей: 3
      всех пользователей MALE: 1
    всех пользователей FEMALE: 2
           общий возраст всех пользователей: 76
      общий возраст всех пользователей MALE: 35
    общий возраст всех пользователей FEMALE: 41
           средний возраст всех пользователей: 25
      средний возраст всех пользователей MALE: 35
    средний возраст всех пользователей FEMALE: 20
    Process finished with exit code 0

    We are not happy with this outcome, down with main tests , we need JUnit .

How to connect JUnit to a project

The question arises how to connect it to the project. For those in the know, I won’t take the option with Maven , as this is a completely different story. ;) Open the project structure Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S -> Libraries -> click + (New Project Library) -> select from Maven, JUnit part I - 2then we see such a window, enter “junit:junit:4.12” in the search bar, wait until it finds -> OK! -> OK! JUnit part I - 3You should get this result JUnit part I - 4Click OK, congratulations JUnit has been added to the project. Let's move on. Now we need to create tests for our Java class, put the cursor on the name of the class User -> press Alt + Enter -> select create Test. We should see a window in which we need to select the JUnit4 library -> select the methods that we are going to test -> OK JUnit part I - 5The idea itself will create a class UserTest, this is the class in which we will cover our code with tests. Let's get started:

Our first @Test

Let's create our first @Test method getAllUsers()- this is a method that should return all users. The test will look something like this:
public void getAllUsers() {
    // create test data
    User user = new User("Eugene", 35, Sex.MALE);
    User user1 = new User("Marina", 34, Sex.FEMALE);
    User user2 = new User("Alina", 7, Sex.FEMALE);

    //create an expected list and fill it with the data of our method
    List<User> expected = User.getAllUsers();

    //create actual list put data in it for comparison
    //what we expect the method to return
    List<User> actual = new ArrayList<>();

    //run the test if the list expected and actual are not equal
    //the test will fail, read the test results in the console
    Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
Here we create several test users -> create a list expected in which we will place the users whose method will return to us getAllUsers()-> create a list actual in which we will place the users whose we assume that the getAllUsers()Assert.assertEquals(actual, expected) method will be used and we will pass the lists, inspected and current, to it. This method will test the objects in the provided lists and return the test result. The method will compare all fields of objects, even going through the fields of parents if there is inheritance. Let's run the first test... JUnit part I - 6The test completed successfully. Now let's try to make the test fail, for this we need to change one of the test lists, we will do this by commenting out the addition of one user to the list actual.
public void getAllUsers() {
    // create test data
    User user = new User("Eugene", 35, Sex.MALE);
    User user1 = new User("Marina", 34, Sex.FEMALE);
    User user2 = new User("Alina", 7, Sex.FEMALE);

    //create an expected list and fill it with the data of our method
    List<User> expected = User.getAllUsers();

    //create actual list put data in it for comparison
    //what we expect the method to return
    List<User> actual = new ArrayList<>();

    //run the test if the list expected and actual are not equal
    //the test will fail, read the test results in the console
    Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
we run the test and see the following: JUnit part I - 7Now we can look a little at the reason for the failure of the test. Here we see that there are more users in the inspected list than in the current one. This is the reason for the failure. Can we check this in main? JUnit : main = 1 : 0. Let's see what the test will look like if it contains completely different objects, let's do it like this:
public void getAllUsers() {
    // create test data
    User user = new User("Eugene", 35, Sex.MALE);
    User user1 = new User("Marina", 34, Sex.FEMALE);
    User user2 = new User("Alina", 7, Sex.FEMALE);

    //create an expected list and fill it with the data of our method
    List<User> expected = User.getAllUsers();

    //create actual list put data in it for comparison
    //what we expect the method to return
    List<User> actual = new ArrayList<>();
    actual.add(new User("User1", 1, Sex.MALE));
    actual.add(new User("User2", 2, Sex.FEMALE));
    actual.add(new User("User3", 3, Sex.MALE));

    //run the test if the list expected and actual are not equal
    //the test will fail, read the test results in the console
    Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
This is what will be in the console: JUnit part I - 8here you can immediately see that there are different users in the compared lists, we can also click on <Click to see difference> we will get a window where we can see in detail what data we have a problem with. IDEA will highlight all fields where there are differences. JUnit part I - 9maincan this happen? - No. JUnit : main = 2 : 0 Well, let's move on, we still have a bunch of methods that need to be covered with tests), but wait, it won’t be bad to check if the method will getAllUsers()return to us, because that’s what we do with JavaRushnull tasks caught by the validator). Let’s do this, it’s a matter of three kopecks...
public void getAllUsers_NO_NULL() {
    //add check for null
    List<User> expected = User.getAllUsers();
Yes, yes, this is approximately how the validator catches our shitty code null;) Now let’s run this test and see what it shows us. And it will show an error, how???? How could a test error be made here))) JUnit part I - 10And here we can reap the first fruits of covering our code with tests. As you remember, allUsers we initialized the field in the constructor, which means that when calling the method getAllUsers(), we will refer to an object that has not yet been initialized. Let's edit it, remove the initialization from the constructor, and do it when declaring the field.
private static Map<Integer, User> allUsers = new HashMap<>();

    public User(String name, int age, Sex sex) { = name;
        this.age = age; = sex;

        if (!hasUser()) {
   = countId;
            allUsers.put(id, this);
Let's run the test, now everything is fine. JUnit part I - 11I don’t think that it will be easy to catch NPEs in main, I think you will agree that the count is JUnit: main = 3: 0 Then I will cover all the methods with tests, and let you see how it will look... Now our test class looks like this:
package user;

import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

public class UserTest {

    public void getAllUsers() {
        // create test data
        User user = new User("Eugene", 35, Sex.MALE);
        User user1 = new User("Marina", 34, Sex.FEMALE);
        User user2 = new User("Alina", 7, Sex.FEMALE);

        //create an expected list and fill it with the data of our method
        List<User> expected = User.getAllUsers();

        //create actual list put data in it for comparison
        //what we expect the method to return
        List<User> actual = new ArrayList<>();

        //run the test if the list expected and actual are not equal
        //the test will fail, read the test results in the console
        Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);

    public void getAllUsers_NO_NULL() {
        //add check for null
        List<User> expected = User.getAllUsers();

    public void getAllUsers_MALE() {
        User user = new User("Eugene", 35, Sex.MALE);
        User user1 = new User("Marina", 34, Sex.FEMALE);
        User user2 = new User("Alina", 7, Sex.FEMALE);

        List<User> expected = User.getAllUsers(Sex.MALE);

        List<User> actual = new ArrayList<>();

        Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);

    public void getAllUsers_MALE_NO_NULL() {
        //add check for null
        List<User> expected = User.getAllUsers(Sex.MALE);

    public void getAllUsers_FEMALE() {
        User user = new User("Eugene", 35, Sex.MALE);
        User user1 = new User("Marina", 34, Sex.FEMALE);
        User user2 = new User("Alina", 7, Sex.FEMALE);

        List<User> expected = User.getAllUsers(Sex.FEMALE);

        List<User> actual = new ArrayList<>();

        Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);

    public void getAllUsers_FEMALE_NO_NULL() {
        //add check for null
        List<User> expected = User.getAllUsers(Sex.FEMALE);

    public void getHowManyUsers() {
        User user = new User("Eugene", 35, Sex.MALE);
        User user1 = new User("Marina", 34, Sex.FEMALE);
        User user2 = new User("Alina", 7, Sex.FEMALE);

        int expected = User.getHowManyUsers();

        int actual = 3;

        Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);

    public void getHowManyUsers_MALE() {
        User user = new User("Eugene", 35, Sex.MALE);
        User user1 = new User("Marina", 34, Sex.FEMALE);
        User user2 = new User("Alina", 7, Sex.FEMALE);

        int expected = User.getHowManyUsers(Sex.MALE);

        int actual = 1;

        Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);

    public void getHowManyUsers_FEMALE() {
        User user = new User("Eugene", 35, Sex.MALE);
        User user1 = new User("Marina", 34, Sex.FEMALE);
        User user2 = new User("Alina", 7, Sex.FEMALE);

        int expected = User.getHowManyUsers(Sex.FEMALE);

        int actual = 2;

        Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);

    public void getAllAgeUsers() {
        User user = new User("Eugene", 35, Sex.MALE);
        User user1 = new User("Marina", 34, Sex.FEMALE);
        User user2 = new User("Alina", 7, Sex.FEMALE);

        int expected = User.getAllAgeUsers();

        int actual = 35 + 34 + 7;

        Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);

    public void getAllAgeUsers_MALE() {
        User user = new User("Eugene", 35, Sex.MALE);
        User user1 = new User("Marina", 34, Sex.FEMALE);
        User user2 = new User("Alina", 7, Sex.FEMALE);

        int expected = User.getAllAgeUsers(Sex.MALE);

        int actual = 35;

        Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);

    public void getAllAgeUsers_FEMALE() {
        User user = new User("Eugene", 35, Sex.MALE);
        User user1 = new User("Marina", 34, Sex.FEMALE);
        User user2 = new User("Alina", 7, Sex.FEMALE);

        int expected = User.getAllAgeUsers(Sex.FEMALE);

        int actual = 34 + 7;

        Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
Yes, it turned out to be not small, but what will happen when working with large projects. What can be reduced here? After evaluating everything, you can see that we create test data in each test, and here annotations come to our aid. Let's take @Before- The annotation @Beforeindicates that the method will be executed before each tested method @Test. This is what our test class with annotation will now look like @Before:
package user;

import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

public class UserTest {
    private User user;
    private User user1;
    private User user2;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        user = new User("Eugene", 35, Sex.MALE);
        user1 = new User("Marina", 34, Sex.FEMALE);
        user2 = new User("Alina", 7, Sex.FEMALE);

    public void getAllUsers() {
        List<User> expected = User.getAllUsers();

        List<User> actual = new ArrayList<>();

        Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);

    public void getAllUsers_NO_NULL() {
        List<User> expected = User.getAllUsers();

    public void getAllUsers_MALE() {
        List<User> expected = User.getAllUsers(Sex.MALE);

        List<User> actual = new ArrayList<>();

        Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);

    public void getAllUsers_MALE_NO_NULL() {
        //add check for null
        List<User> expected = User.getAllUsers(Sex.MALE);

    public void getAllUsers_FEMALE() {
        List<User> expected = User.getAllUsers(Sex.FEMALE);

        List<User> actual = new ArrayList<>();

        Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);

    public void getAllUsers_FEMALE_NO_NULL() {
        //add check for null
        List<User> expected = User.getAllUsers(Sex.FEMALE);

    public void getHowManyUsers() {
        int expected = User.getHowManyUsers();

        int actual = 3;

        Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);

    public void getHowManyUsers_MALE() {
        int expected = User.getHowManyUsers(Sex.MALE);

        int actual = 1;

        Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);

    public void getHowManyUsers_FEMALE() {
        int expected = User.getHowManyUsers(Sex.FEMALE);

        int actual = 2;

        Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);

    public void getAllAgeUsers() {
        int expected = User.getAllAgeUsers();

        int actual = 35 + 34 + 7;

        Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);

    public void getAllAgeUsers_MALE() {
        int expected = User.getAllAgeUsers(Sex.MALE);

        int actual = 35;

        Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);

    public void getAllAgeUsers_FEMALE() {
        int expected = User.getAllAgeUsers(Sex.FEMALE);

        int actual = 34 + 7;

        Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
Well, how about you, it’s already more fun and easier to read ;) Here’s a list of annotations for JUnit, it’s definitely easier to live with them.
@Test – определяет что метод method() является тестовым.
@Before – указывает на то, что метод будет выполнятся перед каждым тестируемым методом @Test.
@After – указывает на то что метод будет выполнятся после каждого тестируемого метода @Test
@BeforeClass – указывает на то, что метод будет выполнятся в начале всех тестов,
а точней в момент запуска тестов(перед всеми тестами @Test).
@AfterClass – указывает на то, что метод будет выполнятся после всех тестов.
@Ignore – говорит, что метод будет проигнорирован в момент проведения тестирования.
(expected = Exception.class) – указывает на то, что в данном тестовом методе
вы преднамеренно ожидаете Exception.
(timeout = 100) – указывает, что тестируемый метод не должен занимать больше чем 100 миллисекунд.
Main class methods Assertfor checking:
fail(String) – указывает на то что бы тестовый метод завалился при этом выводя текстовое сообщение.
assertTrue([message], boolean condition) – проверяет, что логическое condition истинно.
assertsEquals([String message], expected, actual) – проверяет, что два значения совпадают.
Примечание: для массивов проверяются ссылки, а не содержание массивов.
assertNull([message], object) – проверяет, что an object является пустым null.
assertNotNull([message], object) – проверяет, что an object не является пустым null.
assertSame([String], expected, actual) – проверяет, что обе переменные относятся к одному an objectу.
assertNotSame([String], expected, actual) – проверяет, что обе переменные относятся к разным an objectм.
This is how we can add JUnit 4.12 dependency in Maven
continued here -> JUnit part II