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How I stopped being afraid and fell in love with BitBucket

Published in the Random EN group
Let's look at how you can use the BitBucket service to save task code. How I stopped being afraid and fell in love with BitBucket - 1Why?! ” you ask. “ Intellij IDEA has built-in access to GitHub!Two reasons. First : GitHub on a free account allows you to store only open projects, and the first rule of JavaRush is don’t tell anyone about JavaRush. Is it possible to give someone a solution to a problem? No, it is prohibited to provide a ready-made working solution to the problem. May lead to a ban on the site. Second : Mercurial vs git. But here, of course, it’s more convenient for anyone. Therefore, in a few simple steps, we will configure BitBucket to be used for our purposes (storing, and possibly forking code).
  1. Register on BitBucket

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    Note that you can also use your Google account!

  2. Install the plugin to work with the repository:

    Go to IDEA/plugins settings and click “View plugin repositories”

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    Search for “bitbucket” and install

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    IDEA will ask you to reboot...

    Using the plugin you can manage the repository directly from IDEA

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    To work correctly, you will need Mercurial installed on your system .

In Ubuntu this is simple: sudo apt-get install mercurial although I recommend first adding a ppa with the latest versions of mercurial-ppa : you sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mercurial-ppa/releases will need a public key for it: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key 323293EE after that you can sudo apt-get install mercurial For Windows comrades, you will have to download the installer from the official website. After that, go to VCS/Import to version control/Share project (next to the inscription you will see a nice bucket). Let's launch! The plugin will ask you to log in to BitBucket (enter your username and password). After which you can create your repository directly from IDEA: How I stopped being afraid and fell in love with BitBucket - 6Within a few minutes, IDEA will upload the project to BitBucket: How I stopped being afraid and fell in love with BitBucket - 7