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How does HashMap work in Java?

Published in the Random EN group
How does HashMap work in Java?  - 1Very often in interviews they ask questions like “ How does HashMap work in Java?” ”, “What is the internal mechanism of how methods work getin putHashMap?”. Here I will try to explain the internal functionality using a simple example. Without going into too much theory, we will start with an example so that you can better understand and then see how methods work in Java getas well . putLet's take a very simple example. We have a class Country(English “country”), we will use the class object Countryas the key, and the name of the capital of this country as the value. Below is an example to help us understand how a key-value pair will be stored in a hash map.


package org.arpit.javapostsforlearning;
public class Country {

 String name;
 long population;

 public Country(String name, long population) {
  super(); = name;
  this.population = population;
 public String getName() {
  return name;
 public void setName(String name) { = name;
 public long getPopulation() {
  return population;
 public void setPopulation(long population) {
  this.population = population;

 // если длина имени в an objectе Country - четное число,
 // то возвращаем 31(любое случайное число), а если нечетное - 95 (любое случайное число).
 // указанный ниже метод - это не самый лучший способ генерации хеш-codeа,
 // но мы воспользуемся им для более четкого понимания хеш-карт.

 public int hashCode() {
   return 31;
   return 95;
 public boolean equals(Object obj) {

  Country other = (Country) obj;
   if (name.equalsIgnoreCase((
   return true;
  return false;
If you want to understand and learn more about methods hashcodeand equals, you can follow this link .

2. class)

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;

public class HashMapStructure {

     * @author Arpit Mandliya
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Country india=new Country("India",1000);
        Country japan=new Country("Japan",10000);

        Country france=new Country("France",2000);
        Country russia=new Country("Russia",20000);

        HashMap<country,string> countryCapitalMap=new HashMap<country,string>();

        Iterator<country> countryCapitalIter=countryCapitalMap.keySet().iterator();//установите
        //debug-точку на этой строке(23)
            String capital=countryCapitalMap.get(countryObj);
Now set the breakpoint to line 23 and run run -> debug as-> java application (translator's note - valid for Eclipse). The program will stop execution on line 23, after which right-click on countryCapitalMap and select watch . You will see a table like this: How does HashMap work in Java?  - 2Here we see the following:
  1. There is an array Entry[]of 16 cells named table;

  2. This array stores objects of the class Entry. The class HashMaphas an inner class - Entry. And instances of this class are key-value pairs. Let's take a look at the class structure Entry:

  3. static class Entry implements Map.Entry
                    final K key;
                    V value;
                    Entry next;
                    final int hash;
                    ...//продолжение codeа
  4. Every time we try to create a key-value pair in a hash map, a class object will be created for that pair Entryand it will be stored in the above table Entry[]. And now you should be wondering where exactly in this table this object will be written (in which cell). For a key in a key-value pair, a hash code is calculated using the hashcode(). And this hash code is used to calculate the table cell number Entry[];

  5. Now if you look at cell 10 of the table, you will see a class object Entrynamed HashMap$Entry;

  6. We added 4 key-value pairs, but there are only 2 in the array!!! This is because if 2 objects have the same hash code, then they will be stored in the same cell. But how? Objects will be stored as a linked list ( LinkedList).
Here's how the hash code for our key-value pairs will be calculated.
Hashcode for Japan = 95 так How длина слова Japan имеет нечетное количество букв.
Hashcode for India = 95 так How длина слова India имеет нечетное количество букв.
HashCode for Russia = 31 так How длина слова Russia имеет четное количество букв.
HashCode for France = 31 так How длина слова France имеет четное количество букв.
The following figure will explain the idea of ​​a linked list: How does HashMap work in Java?  - 3Now that you already have an understanding about the structure of hash maps, let's move on to the putand methods get.


Let's see how this method is used:
  * Метод связывает указанное meaning с указанным ключом в данной хэш-карте. Если
  * карта до этого уже содержала некоторое meaning, соответствующее этому ключу,
  * то старое meaning заменяется на указанное.
  * @param key
  *            ключ, с которым связывается указанное meaning
  * @param value
  *            meaning, связываемое с указанным ключом
  * @возвращает meaning связанное с <tt>ключом</tt>, or <tt>null</tt>,
  *         если ниHowое meaning не соответствует <tt>ключу</tt>. ( Возврат <tt>null</tt>
  *         может так же говорить о том, что в карте заведомо <tt>null</tt> был связан с
  *         <tt>ключом</tt>.)
 public V put(K key, V value) {
  if (key == null)
   return putForNullKey(value);
  int hash = hash(key.hashCode());
  int i = indexFor(hash, table.length);
  for (Entry<k , V> e = table[i]; e != null; e = {
   Object k;
   if (e.hash == hash && ((k = e.key) == key || key.equals(k))) {
    V oldValue = e.value;
    e.value = value;
    return oldValue;

  addEntry(hash, key, value, i);
  return null;
Now let's try to understand this code step by step:
  1. We check the object keyfor equality null. If so, then the object keywill be stored in location table[0]because the hash code for nullis always 0;

  2. Next, we call the object’s keymethod hashcode(), which will calculate its hash code. This hash code is used to determine the array cell where the class object will be stored Entry. Sometimes it happens that this function hashcodeis not written very skillfully, so the JDK developers created a different function - hash(), which takes the previously calculated hash code as an argument. If you are interested in reading about this function in more detail, you can follow the link ;

  3. indexFor(hash,table.length)used to define a specific cell in the array tablein which a class object will be defined to be stored Entry;

  4. As we saw in our example, if two objects keyhave the same hash code (this situation is known as a collision), then they will be stored in the form of a linked list. Therefore, at this stage we iterate our list:

    • if the newly calculated cell is empty, then the class object Entrywill be saved directly into this cell;

    • if this cell already contains some object, then iterates to the element whose field is nextequal to null. After this, our class object Entrybecomes next in the list;

    • what if we add the same object keyagain? Logically, it should replace the old value. Yes, it will be so. During the iteration, the keys will be compared using the equals()( key.equals(k)) method. If the result is true, then the old value will be replaced with the value of the current object Entry.


Now let's take a look at the application of the method get
  * returns meaning, которое соответствует указанному ключу, or {@code null}, если
  * данная карта не содержит пары с указанным ключом.
  * <p>
  * Более точно, если в данной карте содержится такой ключ {@code k}
  * с соответствующим ему meaningм {@code v}, что {@code (key==null ? k==null : key.equals(k))},
  * то метод возвращает {@code v}; в противном случае возвращается {@code null}.
  * (может быть не более одной такой пары)
  * </p><p>
  * Возвращенное meaning {@code null} не <i>обязательно</i> говорит о том, что
  * в карте нет пары с таким указанным ключом; а возможно, что в карте однозначно
  * указано соответствие этого ключа со meaningм {@code null}.
  * Можно воспользоваться операцией {@link #containsKey containsKey}, чтобы
  * отличить эти два случая
  * @see #put(Object, Object)
 public V get(Object key) {
  if (key == null)
   return getForNullKey();
  int hash = hash(key.hashCode());
  for (Entry<k , V> e = table[indexFor(hash, table.length)]; e != null; e = {
   Object k;
   if (e.hash == hash && ((k = e.key) == key || key.equals(k)))
    return e.value;
  return null;
Now that you have an understanding of how the put method works in hashmaps, understanding how the put method works is getvery simple. When you pass any key to a method to get a value from a hash map:
  1. An object Ekey is tested for equality null. If so, then the value of the object stored in the cell will be returned table[0];

  2. The key object has a method called hashcode()that calculates the hash code;

  3. indexFor(hash,table.length)used to determine a specific array cell tablefrom which to take a class object Entry;

  4. After receiving the array cell number, tableit will iterate through the list and compare the keys using the method equals(). If the result is true, then the value of the object will be returned Entry, otherwise - null.

Things to remember:

  • The class HashMaphas an inner class Entrythat stores key-value pairs;

  • Objects of the class Entryare stored in an array Entry[ ]called table;

  • An array cell is called a bucket and stores the first element of a linked list;

  • hashcode()The object method keyis used to find the bucket of this class object Entry;

  • If two objects' keys have the same hash code, they will be stored in the same array bucket table;

  • equals()An object's method keyis used to confirm its uniqueness;

  • Methods equals()and hashcode()objects valueare not used at all.
