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Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Let me speak from May Hart. How can a programmer learn English?
Almost everyone in the IT community is in solidarity with the fact that a self-respecting IT specialist, and even more so a programmer, is nowhere without English. But far from everyone knows English at a more or less decent level, and many
Jesse Haniel
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Detailed analysis of the HashMap class
Before moving on to a detailed discussion of the class, let's dwell on the basic concepts associated with hash tables. This article will not cover methods for working with hash mapping. Only the operations of insertion, search and deletion
Roman Beekeeper
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
10 ways to improve the code, proven by personal experience
Hello everyone, JavaRush community! Today we will talk about the quality of the code. Yes, dear friends. Nobody's perfect. Everyone understands at some point that the code could be better... But what to do in this situation? At the very lea
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Coffee break #8: How to quickly learn to read someone else's code. Errors when creating a profile on GitHub
Source: Surely many of you are familiar with the situation when you have more or less learned to read your own code, but when you try to look into someone else's, you immediately get lost. There is a proven technique to solve this problem.
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
REST overview. Part 3: Creating a RESTful Service with Spring Boot
This is the final part of the REST parsing. In previous parts: In this section, we will create a small RESTful Spring Boot application. Our application will implement CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on clients from the exampl
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
REST overview. Part 2: communication between client and server
In this part, we will take a detailed look at how communication between a client and a server takes place. Along the way, we will reveal new terms and give explanations to them. To make everything (become) clear, we will analyze client-serv
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
REST overview. Part 1: What is REST
Hello, today we will study with you a very interesting, and most importantly, a topic in demand in the labor market - REST. We will break the REST overview into three parts: The article is intended for a reader familiar with the following t
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Sit and study. Services to combat procrastination and plan learning
Learning new things and forming good habits that help you practice regularly and follow your goal is not easy. Why, it is often very difficult for many of us to maintain discip
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Java junior at the interview: how to prepare and what to ask
In articles on JavaRush, we strive to regularly touch upon such an important topic, especially for inexperienced or completely novice programmers, as employment. We have already covered how a Java junior can , as well as how to maximize you
Roman Beekeeper
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Optimizing work with your projects on GitHub: getting to know the Github Template Repository
Hello everyone, JavaRush community! Today we will talk about open source and what is needed to create a quality project, the code that is being written. It is important to write a useful product. But no less important is the correct design
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Saving files to the application and data about them on the database
Let's imagine that you are working on your web application. In my articles, I consider individual pieces of this puzzle, such as: Why are these themes useful? And the fact that these examples are very close to working on real projects, and
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Detailed analysis of the ArrayList class [Part 2]
Unfortunately, all the information did not fit in one article, so we continue to deal with the remaining methods of the ArrayList class.
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