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Professor Hans Noodles
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:15
Compiling to Java
Programming in the IDE is great: code dependency cohesion, convenient debugging, clear testing, dark theme. So, thanks to the IDE, development is developing by leaps and bounds. But she is relaxing. Every day, plunging into the functionalit
Professor Hans Noodles
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:15
Type Erasure
Hello! We continue the series of lectures on generics. , we figured out in general terms what it is and why it is needed. Today we will talk about some of the features of generics and consider some of the pitfalls when working with them. Go
Зепп Бранниган
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:15
Using varargs when dealing with generics
Hello! In today's lesson, we will continue to study generics. It just so happens that this is a big topic, but there is nowhere to go - this is an extremely important part of the language :) When you study the Oracle documentation on generi
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:15
Literals in Java
At the stage of creating an application, the developer, as a rule, knows only its structure and does not assume what data it will process. However, in some situations, it is necessary to explicitly specify some data in the program code (for
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:15
Creating a project in IntelliJ IDEA
IntelliJ IDEA and similar development environments are one of the first tools that a novice programmer needs to master. In this material, we will consider installing and configuring the software, as well as the procedure for creating a proj
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:15
Generics for cats
Today is a great day to remember what we know about Java. According to the most important document, i.e. Java Language Specifiaction (JLS), Java is a strongly typed language, as discussed in . What does this mean? Suppose we have a main met
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:15
How refactoring works in Java
When learning to program, a lot of time is devoted to writing code. Most novice developers believe that this is their future activity. This is partly true, but the tasks of the programmer also include maintaining and refactoring the code. L
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:15
Briefly about the main thing - Java Collections Framework
Today I would like to talk about such an interesting topic as the " " or, in simple terms, about collections. Most of the work of the code is the processing of data in one form or another. Get a list of users, get a list of addresses, etc.
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:15
tomcat in java
At some point, every developer gains enough skills, and he has the idea of creating his own project in order to put the knowledge into practice. It is easiest to take on a web project, since the implementation of a web application is not co
Roman Beekeeper
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:15
History of success. 20 hours of programming per week, master's degree and personal life
After reading what to do, I decided to make a plan of how I should study in order to achieve my goal and complete the courses, because I no longer had time for a slow study. The task was to gain knowledge quickly, and in such a way as not t
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:15
Java 13: what awaits us in the near future?
page is constantly updated with details about what's new in the upcoming version of our favorite language. Recall that changes to Java are made using JDK Enhancement Proposals (JDK Enhancement Proposals), which are later integrated into new
Roman Beekeeper
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:15
How to find a job? Resume Distribution Tips
Everyone has a moment when you need to start looking for a job. Here I would like to talk about how I did it, how I thought, what difficulties I encountered and what I did to overcome them. This article can be used as a step-by-step guide,
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