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8 August 2023 10:14
Polymorphism in Java
Questions about OOP are an integral part of the technical interview for the position of a Java developer in an IT company. In this article, we will talk about one of the principles of OOP - polymorphism. We will focus on aspects that are of
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8 August 2023 10:14
Polymorphism and its friends
Polymorphism is one of the basic principles of object-oriented programming. It allows you to use the full power of Java strong typing and write clean and maintainable code. A lot has been said about him, but I hope everyone can learn someth
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8 August 2023 10:14
Externalizable Interface in Java
Hello! Today we will continue our introduction to serialization and deserialization of Java objects. In the last lesson, we got acquainted with the marker interface keyword . Well, "manage the process", of course, is a strong word. We have
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8 August 2023 10:14
Serialization and Deserialization in Java
Hello! In today's lecture, we will talk about serialization and deserialization in Java. Let's start with a simple example. Let's say you're the creator of a computer game. If you grew up in the 90s and remember the game consoles of those t
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8 August 2023 10:14
I/O in Java. Classes FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, BufferedInputStream
Hello! In today's lecture, we will continue talking about input and output streams in Java, or (“input-output”) for short. This is not the first lecture on this topic, and not the last :) It just so happens that Java as a language provides
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8 August 2023 10:14
Extension and narrowing of reference types
Hello! In one of the previous lectures, we discussed casting primitive types. Let's briefly recall what was discussed. We represented primitive types (in this case, numeric ones) in the form of matryoshka dolls according to the amount of me
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8 August 2023 10:14
Instanceof Operator in Java
Hello! Today we will talk about the instanceof operator, look at examples of its use and touch on some points related to its operation :) In the early levels of JavaRush, you have already come across this operator. Do you remember why you n
Roman Beekeeper
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8 August 2023 10:14
Microservice architecture: pros and cons
Recently, only a dumb person has not been talking about microservices. It's getting more and more popular. The modular architectural style seems to be particularly well suited to cloud-based environments and is growing in popularity. Before
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8 August 2023 10:14
Regular Expressions in Java (RegEx)
are a topic that programmers, even experienced ones, often put off until later. However, most Java developers will sooner or later have to deal with text processing. Most often - with search operations in the text and editing. Without regul
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8 August 2023 10:14
IntelliJ IDEA: Code Style and Formatting
Modern tools make it possible to simplify the development process. Including, it is easier to follow the style of your code, trying to minimize its "unauthorized" formatting. In this review, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with what
Юрий Кузнецов
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8 August 2023 10:14
Logic tasks in the interview
You have to parse 5 logical problems plus 4 Java problems from me. The tasks that were met at the interviews and the solutions to them are on the Internet. Here is a top list of those that I encountered in interviews.
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8 August 2023 10:14
Easy HTML parsing with jsoup
Perhaps someday you will need to get information from a website or HTML document in your application, and I will say without further ado that using the jsoup library will greatly simplify your task. says , jsoup is an open source Java libra
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