New Java Syntax

Java Syntax+

The New Java Syntax quest was developed in JavaRush's secret bunker. It consists of 16 levels about Java language basics. It can be mastered even by someone who has never programmed before. You'll learn about classes, objects, methods, and variables. You'll study data types, arrays, conditional operators, and loops. You'll take a quick look at collections and the basics of OOP (Quest 4 is where we begin a serious study of these topics), and you'll also start working in IntelliJ IDEA, a popular development environment (programmers all over the world use it!).

But most importantly, you will solve a lot of tasks. Tasks are front and center on JavaRush. But don't worry, virtual mentors will help you deal with any mistakes (your solutions are checked instantly).

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Level 1
28 January, 09:19
Let's start it
Anonymous #3393720 Frontend Developer at Meta
25 December 2023, 09:02
The New Java Syntax quest by JavaRush is an exceptional learning journey developed in their secret bunker. With 16 levels covering Java basics, it's designed for beginners, making programming accessible even to those with no prior experience. From classes and objects to data types and loops, this quest provides a comprehensive and user-friendly introduction to Java.
Level 10
8 December 2023, 06:42
Tanya Ivanova Java Developer
25 April 2022, 12:54
Can't wait to challenge myself!