JavaRush /Java Blog /Random EN /Is it worth learning Java in 2018? Cody Weber answers

Is it worth learning Java in 2018? Cody Weber answers

Published in the Random EN group
“Is it worth learning this or that programming language?” This question is asked very often online. He is quite fair: there are a lot of technologies and platforms, they are developing at a colossal speed, so that we sometimes do not have time to keep up with the changes. So in this matter it is better to trust the professionals! Below is an informed opinion about Java by one of these professionals, Cody Weber. He is a Software Engineer at the American company Centene. Is it worth learning Java in 2018?  Answered by Cody Weber - 1I believe that the approach to this issue needs to be changed. Is Java relevant and useful in 2018? Undoubtedly! But perhaps not for the reasons that first come to mind. Learning to code in 2018 is a lot more about “how to solve a problem” and a lot less about “do I know this language.” Focus on solving the problem, find out what you can do to solve it. So, here are a few reasons why Java is a good, relevant language to learn in 2018 and beyond.
  1. You need to learn a language that solves problems

    Java has hundreds, if not thousands, of frameworks, libraries, forums, and so on. The very tools that help developers solve problems. And all because a very small percentage of these very problems of developers are new problems. Chances are, someone has already solved your problem before you using one of the tools above. Use it. There is no need to reinvent the wheel.

  2. You need to learn a language that doesn't force you to pore over every detail of the language, but still allows you to do something

    Java is relatively simple. This is facilitated by its sufficiently high level. You don't have to worry about things like garbage collection. But at the same time, it is also low-level enough to be able to do everything that is done using lower-level languages.

  3. You need to learn a language that accepts the concepts of good programming

    Java is an object-oriented language, and this very “objectivity” is implemented in it just perfectly. Along with OOP, you will learn the concepts of inheritance, abstraction, polymorphism, and so on. This is the language that will teach you concepts that can be applied to most other languages, such as Python.

  4. You need to learn a language that is quite common and not limited in tools

    Java is not limited to one product or a small handful of adopters. There are many IDEs for this language, free or paid, that are surprisingly powerful (take the big three IDEA, Netbeans and Eclipse). If you decide you don't need them, write in a text editor and then compile your code in the command line/terminal. Not only that, but today there are websites where you can compile your code online if you want to play with the language (eg JavaRush Web IDE).

    Ну а если вы будете «говорить» на Java с Howими-то разработчиками на форуме, очень высока вероятность, что вас поймут без перевода даже те, кто специализируется в других языках.

  5. Нужно учить язык, который продолжает развиваться.

    • Каждая version Java (в настоящее время выпущена 10 version языка), меняет очень многое, оставляя при этом обратную совместимость со старым codeом. Так, Java 8 привнесла в мир Java концепцию функционального программирования. Оно добавило той самой гибкости, за отсутствие которой раньше критиковали этот язык. Также в восьмой версии были добавлены библиотеки, которые существенно упростor разработку некоторых вещей. Java 9 — это модульность в JRE, благодаря которой небольшие устройства могут использовать Java без особых расходов.

    • Язык Java просто отлично себя проявляет при обратной совместимости. При желании вы можете изучить древние библиотеки, и разобраться в самом запутанном legacy-codeе. Или не делать этого, а писать программы сразу по-новому, благо, всё отлично заdocumentировано.

    Подводя итоги сказанного, упомяну, что есть много языков, которые отвечают приведённым выше требованиям. Но Java хороша тем, что она хороша почти для всего. И если вы хотите стать серьезным разработчиком, владеющим надежным, легким и ориентированным на проблемы инструментом, учите Java. Не пожалеете.
