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Video weekend #38. We study migration to the cloud, work with GraalVM, learn about the typical responsibilities of junior developers and prepare for a Java interview

Published in the Random EN group

GraalVM MEETUP Innopolis

The online meetup, held on August 12 on the YouTube channel of Kazan Innopolis, is dedicated to the Java Virtual Machine GraalVM. If you have not yet worked with this technology, but would like to get acquainted with it, we recommend that you pay attention to the report by Oleg Shelaev (developer advocate of the GraalVM project at OracleLabs, Java Champion). In his speech, Oleg spoke in detail about the features of GraalVM, its advantages and prospects. Experts also took part in the meetup: Pasha Finkelstein - developer and speaker at JetBrains, Nikita Lipsky - leading engineer at Huawei, co-organizer of the SnowOne conference, Evgeniy Mandrikov - developer at SonarSource, head of the EclEmma project at the Eclipse Foundation, OpenJDK contributor.

Typical tasks of a junior developer in a company | How do juniors work? (my experience)

When preparing for a technical interview, it will be useful for a newbie to learn about the typical tasks that are assigned to junior developers in their first job. This will help you get up to speed quickly after employment and will add confidence in the first few weeks. The video is dedicated to this very issue. Blogger and Java programmer Vitaly Karnaukh talks about his own experience as a junior. What tasks are usually assigned to a beginner in backend and frontend development, what needs to be taken into account when working with databases, what are the features of the Scrum project management method.

Migrating to the Clouds. Retrospective - Alexey Zhingerovsky

Have you decided to focus exclusively on mobile app development? Great choice! But you shouldn’t rule out the possibility that one day your future employer will assign you to work on a completely different issue. For example, migrating a service from a data center to the cloud. In addition, it is useful to have experience working with cloud technologies, if only because every year they penetrate deeper and deeper into a variety of areas of the IT industry, including mobile development. The speaker of the Java Professionals BY meetup, Alexey Zhingerovsky, successfully conducted several migration projects to AWS and Google Cloud. He dedicated his speech to how to prepare for migration to the cloud, while saving money, nerves and completing everything on time.

Java interview with Alexey Shesterov

Having more than ten years of experience as a hired developer and then as a freelancer, Alexey Shesterov decided to share his acquired knowledge with the viewers of his YouTube channel. Today's video is about interviewing for a Java developer position. Alexey gives a detailed commentary on all stages of the interview: from talking with a recruiter and discussing salary levels to technical issues and the most current technologies in Java development.