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Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
28 February 2021 0:00
Coffee break #133. How to get only part of an array in Java. Interfaces and Abstract Classes in Java
Source: Copying part of an array is a very common operation that every developer encounters. In this article, we will see traditional imperative style and modern declarative style code with lambda expression and streaming API. The imperativ
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
28 February 2021 0:00
Coffee break #134. What to avoid when writing Java code. How final, finally and finalize are used in Java
Source: We bring to your attention an article listing common mistakes that developers make when writing Java code. That this was considered a bug took me by surprise since I used regularly . The problem here is that is supposed to be an imm
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
28 February 2021 0:00
Video weekend #127. We write an algorithm for finding prime numbers in Java, get acquainted with code completion programs, learn about top-down programming in OOP and learn how to deal with technical debt
Questions related to algorithms come up quite often in technical interviews. Therefore, every potential junior should take this into account when preparing for an interview. This video shows how to write a prime number finding algorithm wit
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
28 February 2021 0:00
Coffee break #135. 5 Ways to Convert a File to a String in Java. How to change command line arguments in Java
Source: Today we will discuss 5 simple and proven ways to read or convert a file to a string in Java. The choice of the most suitable method for you depends on the configuration of a particular project. To begin with, let's assume that is a
Бобрович Борис
Random EN
28 February 2021 0:00
Switcher path in IT v3.0
Ugh. Relatively little time has passed since my previous article . But even decided to dash off another one. Especially at a time like this. During the time that has passed since my last article, I managed to go on a business trip to Portug
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
28 February 2021 0:00
Coffee break #137. For loop or Foreach - which one is faster in Java? 8 Efficient Ways to Loop Through Each Entry in a Java Map
Source: When I was looking for a job a couple of years ago, one of the questions I was asked in an interview was whether we should iterate over an using or ? The debate about the difference in preferences between and has been around for a l
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
28 February 2021 0:00
Coffee break #139. Overloading and Overriding in Java. 5 Java Methods You Didn't Know About
Source: In this article, you will learn about the Overriding and Overloading methods in the Java language. Due to the fact that both of these terms are often confused with each other, it is worth clearly understanding the purpose of each me
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
28 February 2021 0:00
Coffee break #140. Abstract classes and interfaces in Java
Source: Today you will learn in which cases a developer should use an abstract class and in which cases an interface. We will also identify the differences between these elements of the Java language and how to use them in programs. Abstrac
Viktor Lonkov
Random EN
28 February 2021 0:00
First job as a developer in the Czech Republic
In 2019, I read the success stories of other JavaRush students and thought that I would definitely write my own when I find a job and have that “success”. Next month it will be a year since I have been working as a Java Developer, so with t
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
28 February 2021 0:00
The most insecure passwords of 2017: 123456 and qwerty, as always, in the lead
SplashData , a maker of password management software, has published the latest edition of its annual the worst passwords of the year. To do this, she had to analyze about 5 million passwords of users from North America and Western Europe. D
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
28 February 2021 0:00
St. Petersburg: Junior vacancies for December 22
Winter has come, the temperature has dropped below zero... But the cold is not an obstacle to the future of Java Junior! I must say, programming in this weather is very pleasant. Especially with a cup of tea/coffee and a comfortable keyboar
Random EN
28 February 2021 0:00
Differences between constructors and ordinary methods.
At first glance, object constructors do not differ much from ordinary object methods. And indeed, inside the constructor we can do everything we can do in regular object methods: output text to the console, access all fields and methods of
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