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Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:18
Coffee break #102. Packaging Java Applications with Maven and GitHub Actions
Source: This post shows how to create workflows that package a Java application using Maven and then save it as an artifact or publish it to GitHub Packages. You can find the source code repository at the provided here . This is a simple Sp
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:18
Why we were not ready for remote work and how to help ourselves
Most Americans who work remotely don't want to go back to the office even after the coronavirus crisis is over, according to a new national Pew
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:18
Why are interfaces needed?
For those who read and understood how to make interfaces, but did not understand why. When it comes to the principles of object-oriented programming (OOP): polymorphism, inheritance, and encapsulation, it's useful to draw analogies from the
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:18
Why do we need interface inheritance?
For those who read and understood how to do inheritance of interfaces, but did not understand why. Last time, using the example of an ordinary Ivanov family, we figured out why interfaces are needed. We continue to digitize the restless fam
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:18
Why do we need polymorphism?
For those who read the definition of polymorphism and implemented several examples with interfaces, but did not understand why it is needed. There are bad habits, there are good ones, there are individual habits, and there are common ones.
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:18
Top 10 Java Libraries to Save Time
Who this article is for: something will be of interest to beginners who study the Java Syntax quest, but basically the material presented is better for those who have already crossed the equator of the course (understood the Java Collection
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:18
Free internships for trainee developers: selection in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus
The company has the GL Trainee program, which allows you to get an internship on a real project and thus get your first commercial experience. The best interns can
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:18
Bookmarking: Spring, Spring Boot, and Spring MVC Frameworks - Articles, Lectures, and Videos
In this two-part article, the author writes about the basic concepts of the Spring frame
Paul Soia
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8 August 2023 10:18
SOLID principles that make code cleaner
Here's how the SOLID acronym stands for: - S: . - O: . - L: . - I: . - D: . SOLID principles advise how to design modules, i.e. the building blocks from which the application is built. The purpose of the principles is to design modules that
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:18
Programming mentor: who is it, why is it needed and where to look?
Mentoring and tutoring are two different things. Tutoring is a situation when a person comes to you
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:18
Coffee break #100. How to start an open source project on GitHub
Source: Developers around the world use GitHub to share their projects. In this article, I will try to give some tips to help you create a great open source project. You can also use these tips to create hackathon projects. Most recently, I
Зепп Бранниган
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:18
Opening Java University! There is a set for an online course with mentors “Java developer in 12 months”
We at JavaRush believe more than anyone else in the power of online learning. Great desire + goal + clear learning plan = future Java developer. Therefore, we have created a large-scale course, stuffed with practice and concentrated theory.
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