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Professor Hans Noodles
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:14
Practice with the BuffreredReader and InputStreamReader classes
Hello! Today's lecture will be divided into two conditional parts. We'll revisit some of the old topics we've touched on before and look at some of the new features :) Let's start with the first one. Repetition is the mother of learning :)
Зепп Бранниган
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:14
Design Pattern Adapter
Hello! Today we will touch on an important new topic - . What are patterns? I think you know the expression "don't reinvent the wheel". In programming, as in many other areas, there are a large number of typical situations. For each of them
Зепп Бранниган
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:14
What is the PrintStream class for?
Hello! Today we will talk about the class and everything that it can do. Actually, you are already familiar with two class methods . These are the and methods that you probably use every day :) Since the variable is an object , when you cal
Зепп Бранниган
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:14
Procedure for creating an object
Hello! Today's lecture will be quite...uh...versatile :) In the sense that we will cover a wide range of topics, but they will all be related to . We will analyze it from beginning to end: how constructors are called, how and in what order
Professor Hans Noodles
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:14
The device of real numbers
Hello! In today's lecture, we will talk about numbers in Java, and specifically about real numbers. No panic! :) There will be no mathematical difficulties in the lecture. We will talk about real numbers exclusively from our "programmer" po
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:14
I want to create a game
I started learning Java, but to strengthen my knowledge, I decided to create something simple to start with. I want to create a game like a text quest with options for android.
Зеленая лягушка
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:14
Java Magic: Declaring and Initializing Variables
The dull surrounding reality is of no interest to anyone, so let's talk about the enchanting world of magic and the rules for casting spells that realize our wildest fantasies. The world of magic is intangible and allows you to create any e
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:14
Brief Introduction to Gradle
The topic of this review will be the Gradle automatic build system. In English, build systems are called . Why is this even needed? Manual assembly of projects in Java is a rather time-consuming process. You need to correctly specify the li
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:14
Java web application
Once upon a time, Java strengthened its position due to the fact that it chose the priority direction of the web application. Since the early days, Java has been trying to find its way. First, he suggested applets. This has provided many op
Владимир Калиниченко
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:14
The history of one humanist
My story might seem rather ordinary among the stories of other students, even despite my 38 years (at the time of employment), if it were not for one fact that, I think, makes my story stand out from others. The fact is that most of the sto
Сергей Сергей
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:14
From ring to IT
Hi all!!! I want to share my success story, or rather tell how has changed my life. I hope my story will motivate someone not to give up and work harder for their dreams. But once upon a time, having a job that I go to with love and earning
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:14
A brief digression into dependency injection or "What else is CDI?"
The foundation on which the most popular frameworks are now built is dependency injection. I propose to see what the CDI specification says about this, what basic capabilities we have and how we can use them. I would like to devote this sho
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