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Random EN
8 August 2023 10:14
The Arrays class and its usage
Hello again! :) In the last lesson, we got acquainted with such a data structure as (Java array), learned how to create arrays, fill them with data, and also learned how they are stored in memory. Today we will look at some tasks and exampl
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Random EN
8 August 2023 10:14
Something about arrays in Java
Hello! Earlier in the tutorial, we worked with singular objects (or primitive types). But what if we need to work not with one object, but with a whole group? For example, we want to create a list of birthdays for all employees in our compa
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Random EN
8 August 2023 10:14
More about the garbage collector in Java
Hello! In the last lecture, we first got acquainted with the built-in mechanism of the Java language - the garbage collector. It functions in the background while your program is running, collects objects that have become unnecessary, which
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Random EN
8 August 2023 10:14
Object lifecycle
Hello! I think you won’t be too surprised if you are told that the amount of memory on your computer is limited :) Even a hard drive, which is many times larger than RAM, can be packed to capacity with your favorite games, TV shows and more
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Random EN
8 August 2023 10:14
Ternary operator in Java
Hello! Today's lecture will not be very long, but definitely useful :) We will talk about the so-called . "Ternary" in translation means "triple". This is an alternative to the conditional operator you are already familiar with. Let's take
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Random EN
8 August 2023 10:14
Getters and Setters
Hello! In past lectures, you have already learned how to create your own full-fledged classes, with fields and methods. This is serious progress, well done! But now I have to tell you an unpleasant truth. We created our classes not quite ri
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Random EN
8 August 2023 10:14
Base class constructors
Hello! Last time we talked about , and learned a lot about them. Now we'll talk about such a thing as base class constructors. What is ? The fact is that in Java several different classes can have a common origin. This is called . Several d
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Random EN
8 August 2023 10:14
Constructors in Java
Hello! Today we will analyze a very important topic that concerns our objects. Here, without exaggeration, we can say that you will use this knowledge every day in real work! We'll talk about constructors. You may hear this term for the fir
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Random EN
8 August 2023 10:14
Bitwise Operations in Java
You probably know the word "bit". If not, let's get acquainted with it :) A bit is the smallest unit of information in a computer. Its name comes from the English " " - "binary number". A bit can be expressed by one of two numbers: 1 or 0.
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Random EN
8 August 2023 10:14
Operations on numbers in Java
Hello! Today we will look at a very important topic, namely, . Numbers are everywhere in programming. If you dig into a school course, you can remember that all information in a computer is presented in a numerical format - combinations of
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Random EN
8 August 2023 10:14
Equals in Java and String compare - String comparison
Hello! Today we will talk about a very important and interesting topic, namely, comparing objects to each other with in Java. Indeed, in what cases in Java will Object be equal to Object ? Let's try to write an example:
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:14
Online developer tools
This short review does not claim to be complete, but I hope it can interest you and show you what tools are available. In today's world, many services live on the "web" and even old-fashioned applications are slowly moving there. And this i
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