"Hey, Amigo!"

"Hello, Captain Squirrels, sir!"

"Are you ready for a bunch of new tasks? It's time to challenge yourself."

New Java Syntax,  level 14lesson 9
Set of cats
1. Inside the Solution class, create a public static Cat class. 2. Implement the createCats method. It must create a Set of cats and add 3 cats to it. 3. In the main method, remove one cat from Set cats. 4. Implement the printCats method. It should display all the cats that remain in the set. Each c
New Java Syntax,  level 14lesson 9
Animal set
1. Inside the Solution class, create public static classes Cat and Dog. 2. Implement the createCats method, which should return a set with 4 cats. 3. Implement the createDogs method, which should return a set with 3 dogs. 4. Implement the join method, which should return a combined set of all the an
New Java Syntax,  level 14lesson 9
Shared last names and first names
1. Create a Map and add 10 people represented by (last name, first name) pairs. 2. Among these 10 people, let there be people who share the same first names. 3. Among these 10 people, let there be people who share the same last names. 4. Display the contents of the Map on the screen (already impleme
New Java Syntax,  level 14lesson 9
The whole family together
1. The Human class should have String name, boolean sex, int age, and ArrayList children fields. 2. Create objects and fill them so we end up with two grandparents, two grandmothers, a father, a mother, and three children. 3. Display all the Human objects on the screen (Hint: use the toString() meth
New Java Syntax,  level 14lesson 9
Minimum of N numbers
1. Use the keyboard to enter the number N. 2. Read N integers and put them in a list: the getIntegerList method. 3. Find the minimum among the list items: the getMinimum method.
New Java Syntax,  level 14lesson 9
Software update
Task: The program determines which family (last name) lives in the house with the specified number. New task: The program should work with cities rather than house numbers: Example input: Chicago Capone New York City Rockefeller Seattle Gates Seattle Example output: Gates