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Video weekend #9: writing an application with facial recognition in Java, how much do IT specialists earn in the Czech Republic, how to become a programmer at 40

Published in the Random EN group

How much do IT specialists earn in the Czech Republic?

Is it difficult for a programmer to find a well-paid job in the Czech Republic? If you are thinking about which country to choose for employment in IT, you should study all the nuances of moving to Prague. It turns out that in the Czech Republic a foreign IT specialist can find a job much faster than in his home country. And, importantly, for a higher salary. A former resident of Kiev, Evgeniy is studying for a master's degree in Prague and at the same time works as an IT specialist in one of the large corporations. In this interview, he shares the story of his move and talks about the features of working in the Czech IT industry.

Android + Java. Recognition of faces and eyes in photos

How about writing a facial recognition application in Java? With Android Studio and the Google Mobile Vision tool, you can learn this in just 30 minutes. This video is a detailed tutorial on creating FaceDetectorApp in Java. The scope of application of such an application can be any: from dating services to security systems. You can decide where to use the facial recognition algorithm. Perhaps with some improvement, your own application will be much more efficient than the FaceDetectorApp presented in this video.

My story: how I became a Java programmer at 40

Stereotypes imposed on us in movies and TV series claim that the average developer is a 25-year-old geek who avoids communication. But is this really so? The story of the author of this video proves the opposite: you can become a programmer at the age of 40, and practically from scratch, after taking courses. Having failed in business, Anton realized that his only chance of finding a well-paid job was to retrain as a programmer. In today's video, he will tell you how he managed to learn Java and become an intern. In his next videos, Anton promises to continue the topic he started, talking about the transition from the status of an intern to the position of Java Junior.

Types of Frontend Developers

Many people at the beginning of their professional career often think about which specialization is better to choose: frontend or backend. Of course, the easiest way to understand the advantages and disadvantages is through practice. But if you don’t have practical experience yet, it’s useful to listen to the opinions of professionals. Vitaly Kirenkov, the author of the video you are about to see, has been involved in web development since 2007. Having built more than 200 different sites, he formed his own opinion about the pros and cons of front-end and back-end. He even divided frontend developers into two different categories - Core frontend developer and UX/UI frontend developer. If you are interested in hearing what a pro has to say about this, be sure to not miss this video.