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Digest of JavaRush student articles #1 for February 17-19

Published in the Random EN group
Friends! We are very glad that you enthusiastically accepted our call to share knowledge with other students. Over the weekend and Monday, we received several interesting author's posts. Perhaps among their authors are future winners of the competition ? Or maybe the winner is the one who has not yet decided to write a post, but is already reading these lines? Time will tell, but for now - the work of the first participants. Follow the links, read, comment, get inspired!
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1. Lambdas and streams, only practice, no theory

The very first post by Viktor Sergeev (St. Petersburg, level 40 JavaRush) is a small practical lesson dedicated to lambda expressions (Java 8) and streams. It contains very clear examples on both topics, links to useful articles on the theory of lambda expressions with examples (also, by the way, written by JavaRush student and our regular contributor Stas Pasynkov - highly recommended !) and a list of course tasks that help you understand these difficult streams.

2. Design Patterns in Java

And Ivan Zaitsev from Kiev (JavaRush level 32) was not too lazy to write a short summary article on design patterns in Java. It will be useful for those who are already in the subject for repetition and generalization. Or, on the contrary, for those who approached patterns for the first time - for the very first overview of the topic, before digging deeper. The article provides a short list of problems in the JavaRush course in which you will encounter patterns.

3. Conquering Spring Boot

A JavaRush student with the nickname Radolf also presented his first epic work . He is currently undergoing an internship and completed his introductory assignment some time ago. Accordingly, I decided to share my experience and tell you what it’s like to create a web application in Spring Boot using the Thymeleaf template engine and query queries to a local MySQL server to filter incoming data.
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4. Hibernate for dummies. Review of the book "Java Persistence API and Hibernate"

One of the important nominations of our competition is “Best review of a book on programming.” And the first candidate for the prize in this category is JavaRush student John Dorian (Ulyanovsk city, level 36). He read the Russian-language edition of the book "Java Persistence API and Hibernate", intended for beginner Java programmers, and wrote a fairly detailed review about it. The author of the article gives clear recommendations on the necessary prior knowledge to master the book, and also describes its pros and cons.

5. General considerations

Danil Gordeev (JavaRush level 35) titled his article modestly - “General Reasoning.” So you won’t immediately understand what it’s about, but this is not a reason not to read the article: just read the subtitle, and everything becomes clear: “A short story about what IT looks like through the eyes of a Junior developer.” Four months ago, the author got a job as a “junior”, and now describes the general structure of an IT company, as well as shares his observations and gives some practical advice on technologies that any beginner needs to know. Have you also recently gotten a job and have something to say? We'd love to read about it!

6. Annotations. Part one, a little boring

Already familiar to us from the first practical article published, Viktor Sergeev from St. Petersburg (JavaRush level 40) managed to write another article (and this is the first part, it makes sense to wait for the continuation! This time the post is dedicated to annotations. According to the author, this part is boring. But perhaps the author is too hard on himself? Or this topic is too specific, and it is impossible to talk about it in a fun way? Or perhaps you are very good at annotations and can write about them in a way that will take everyone’s breath away? Than The more good articles the better!

7. My story

Seventeen-year-old Kiev resident Ivan Zaitsev (whose young age did not prevent him from reaching level 32 of JavaRush) decided not to limit himself to one article (“ Design Patterns ”). Ivan became interested in Java thanks to his passion for Minecraft and his desire to create his own mods and plugins for this game. Well, what happened next - you will find out from the post (link - above).
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8. Professional problems of programmers

To be honest, you and I stare at glowing computer displays for 15-16 hours a day. With a break for sleep and for the time needed to run to another device (or remove it from your pocket). Artem Murk (level 35, Dnepr) wrote about the problem of eye health, which receives undeservedly little attention on programming sites. That's all for today. Go to groups on the JavaRush website , read posts, write comments, and if you are ready, then write articles. JavaRush Team.
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