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Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Java Microservices Guide. Part 2: Deploy and Test
Translating and Adapting . Link to . Any Java server program, and therefore any microservice, is just a .jar or .war file. There's one great thing about the Java ecosystem, or rather the JVM: you only need to write Java code once and it can
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Java Microservices Guide. Part 1: Microservices Basics and Architecture
In this tutorial, you will learn what Java microservices are, how to design and build them. It also touches on questions about Java microservice libraries and the appropriateness of using microservices. Translating and Adapting . To underst
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Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
What is JSP? Exploring opportunities in practice
JSP or Java Server Pages is a Java technology that allows you to create dynamic web pages for Java applications. In this article, we will talk in more detail about what JSP is, discuss some of the capabilities of this technology, consider t
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Coffee break #20. What is legacy code and how to work with it. Tools that make writing technical documentation easier
Source: Sooner and later, a programmer will probably have to deal with legacy code. To ease the implications of this introduction, I've picked up a few practical tips and examples from my own experience—specifically, working with the legacy
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Layoffs, pay cuts, unemployment. Should programmers be afraid of the 2020 crisis?
It is mid-April 2020: the global anti-viral quarantine is in full swing, many businesses are out of business, and the global economy is in a slight, at least for now, knockdown. Against this background, more and more often one hears the opi
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Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Using JNDI in Java
Hello! Today we will introduce you to JNDI. We will find out what it is, what it is for, how it works, how we can work with it. And then we will write a Spring Boot unit test, inside which we will play with this same JNDI. Before diving int
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
About cryptocurrencies. Not so creepy crypto part one: blockchain technology
Cryptocurrencies remain one of the most hotly discussed news topics related to IT lately. People are interested in earning on the growth of the course and mining of various coins, but few people understand what they are. And even if you wan
Анзор Кармов
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Introduction to EJBs
In this article, we will consider EJB - Enterprise JavaBeans. This technology is part of the Java EE specification. We will touch on issues such as: And also - we will write a small HelloWorld application using EJBs and servlets. This artic
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Just do it! How to save your mind from degradation and effectively study at home?
The topic of today's article will touch the hearts of many. We will talk about a problem that can come to every home. About a terrible disease that spares no one and equally affects the poor and the rich, the old and the young, women and me
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Video Weekend #20. We create a VK bot and a test in JUnit, analyze the advantages of pair programming and find out who has a chance to get a job at Google
Want to practice IntelliJ IDEA but don't know which project to choose? Let's see how in 7 minutes you can create a VK bot that sends game news from the Steam platform. All you need for this is two libraries: VK Bot Java SDK and Steam Web AP
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Reference Data Types in Java
Without understanding Java syntax, it is impossible to become a serious developer, so today we continue to learn syntax. we talked about primitive variables, but since there are two types of variables, today we will talk about the second ty
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Setting up a local environment for Java EE development
In this article, we will set up a working environment to run Java EE applications. Let me remind you: in the previous article, we analyzed the basics of . By environment we mean a set of different software components: The main objectives of
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