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Стас Пасинков
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Popular about lambda expressions in Java. With examples and tasks. Part 1
If you do not fall into one of these categories, this article may well seem boring, incorrect, and generally “not ice” to you. In this case, either feel free to pass by, or, if you are well versed in the topic, suggest in the comments how I
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Introduction to Java EE
Today we will talk about what it is - Java EE: what it consists of, what are the features of the architecture of Java EE applications, and we will give descriptions of various technologies of this platform. The topic is extensive in itself,
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Is it possible to learn Java from scratch and become a serious programmer?
Is it possible to learn Java online and become a serious programmer from scratch, if you have no experience in coding and other IT specialties, you know nothing about classes, methods and object-oriented programming, and generally thought a
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Video Weekend #19. Java Developer Test Interview Recording, Two Perspectives on Java Multithreading, How to Get a Job if You're a Junior
The first job is one of the most difficult stages of a developer's career. It is no secret that many newcomers experience emotional stress during an interview, similar to an exam at a university. If you have not yet had the experience of pa
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Variables in Java and constants
To understand the Java language, it is very important to understand its syntax. One of its key, fundamental building blocks is variables. is a container that can store some data value for later use in a program. Essentially, a variable is t
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Show me your diploma! Does a programmer need to get a higher specialized education?
Do I need to get a higher profile education at a university to become a successful programmer? The question is ambiguous, permanently relevant, and there are very different opinions on this matter. Some say that without a specialized “tower
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
What are antipatterns? Parsing examples (part 2)
Today we will continue our review of the most popular anti-patterns. If you missed the first part, it's . So, design patterns are best practices, that is, time-tested examples of good practices for solving certain problems. In turn, antipat
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
What are antipatterns? Parsing examples (part 1)
Good day to all! The other day I had an interview, and I was asked a question about anti-patterns: what kind of animal is this, what are their types and examples in practice. Of course, I answered the question, but very superficially, since
Сергей Скоробогатов
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Knowledge for solving current problems
My name is Sergey, since 2006 I have been working in sales: mortgages, car loans, loans, banking products, since 2011 I have been selling only investment products. Even before university, I formulated what I want to do: .And so it happened:
Dr-John Zoidberg
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
JavaRush Summer Online Internship: Recruitment Starts Soon!
Friends! The situation has developed in such a way that we all spend even more time online. And even if the reason for this is far from joyful, you can spend time at home with maximum impact. Why not take a JavaRush summer online internship
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Code writing rules: the power of proper naming, good and bad comments
How often have you had to understand someone else's code? When instead of a couple of hours you spend days just to understand the logic of what is happening. The funny thing is that for the person who wrote this code, everything is clear an
Эллеонора Керри
Random EN
8 August 2023 10:16
Learn PRO coding at home. The best programming tutorials
Programming becomes more and more accessible every year. If earlier, in order to get into the profession, those who wished had to enter a university and spend years on methodical training, but now, in order to master all the intricacies of
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