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Research: How long does it take to learn Java

Published in the Random EN group
One of the most popular questions among those who start learning Java is “How long does it take to learn programming?” Research: How long does it take to learn Java - 1It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question. The duration of training depends on many factors: previous work experience and education, intensity of classes, learning goals, etc. But we decided to get closer to determining the optimal period of time for training. To do this, in March we conducted a survey among our students with at least level 30 in JavaRush and asked how they learned Java programming and how long it took.

1. Portrait of a student: starting level of knowledge, field of activity

You can come to Java programming from almost any field: this is confirmed by the survey results. To begin with, we decided to find out what our graduates did before learning Java. Study: How long does it take to learn Java - 2Almost 40% of users who started learning on JavaRush studied programming at a university. Half as many knew at least one programming language (not Java), and even fewer were familiar with the basics of Java. Of course, this is a good basis to start with. But not required. About a third of students learned Java from scratch. Study: How Much Time Does It Take to Learn Java - 3Among students with a technical background, the majority are system administrators, 1C programmers, web developers, and engineers. There is a wide range of “switchers” - from teachers to sales and marketing specialists, economists, and athletes. Let's now see how much time on average it may take a Java engineer to learn and find a job.

2. Time for training and job search

Study: How Much Time Does It Take to Learn Java - 4The minimum is 3 months, the maximum is several years to study programming in Java. Interestingly, even those who spent more than 2 years in total (2.5, 3 or 4 years) noted that they would have completed it twice as fast if they had not “stretched out” the training. Research: How long does it take to learn Java - 5On average, it takes from one to three months to find a job. Minimum - a week. Maximum - one year.

3. Training planning

A simple dependence always works in learning: the higher the intensity of the classes and the fewer the number of breaks and “misses,” the faster you can master the subject. This is especially true for programming, where practice plays a greater role than theoretical studies. We asked JavaRush graduates how much time they devoted to studying, and found out that on average they studied 1-3 hours a day, often combining training with their main job. Research: How Much Time Does It Take to Learn Java - 6At the same time, almost a third of graduates studied without interruptions, while the rest took one or more breaks for a significant period of time. Study: How Much Time Does It Take to Learn Java - 7Of course, the more time you devote to studying and the fewer “halts” you take, the greater the chances of mastering Java programming and finding a job within 6-12 months. And if you try really hard, then within 3-6 months. Study: How Much Time Does It Take to Learn Java - 8As one survey participant responded: “ From the very beginning I had some kind of plan, and I didn’t stick to it .” Do you need to plan your studies or not? Most people think so. The plan usually includes a list of topics and tools that need to be mastered, approximate training periods, and a list of resources (online courses, books, etc.) that are needed for these purposes. 73% responded that they had a preliminary plan. Of those who planned to study, two-thirds of graduates studied on several resources, almost a third - only on JavaRush.

4. Sources of learning

What to teach, how to teach, and also where to teach? Ideally, you need to combine several sources. Below is a list of educational sources in order of mention by our graduates. Study: How Much Time Does It Take to Learn Java - 9Learning programming only from books is pointless. But it won’t work without them at all :) They will complement programming practice well. Among the best books for beginners, JavaRush students and graduates named:
  • Head First Java
  • Effective Java
  • Java Philosophy
  • Data Structures and Algorithms in Java
  • Clean code
  • Java 8 Beginner's Guide
  • Design Patterns
  • Java. Professional's library

Mini-summary on training planning

To make training effective, graduates and experienced programmers recommend:
  • pass JavaRush
  • watch video courses (Golovach and others)
  • read tutorials (Tutorialspoint, Baeldung, Oracle)
  • pass Oracle certification (Associate, Professional - OCA, OCP)
  • practice on Github
  • read Stackoverflow, Habr and other resources
  • undergo an internship at JavaRush, local IT companies
For those who are just starting to learn, this plan will be useful: How to start programming

5. Recommendations for those looking for work in the field of Java programming

Perhaps the most popular phrase in advice from those who have already completed their studies and found a job is “don’t give up.” Is it easy to learn? Not always. But it's definitely worth the effort :)

Top recommendations from experienced programmers

Research: How Much Time Does It Take to Learn Java - 10There are several skills that you will definitely need when you get a job. Therefore, if you are approaching this moment, we recommend:
  • look carefully at the warnings and tips InteliJ IDEA: Google errors, problems and tasks
  • pay attention to databases, algorithms and data structures
  • explore design patterns
  • try to write a complex program from scratch: for example, an email client, a chat bot or a game
A little later - master the basic tools (Git, Maven), as well as the basics of Unit Testing, Spring, Spring Boot, Hibernate.

6. Motivational tips at the end

“The main thing is to keep the pace, not take long breaks and never stand still. Every day you need to take at least a small step towards your goal.” “If a solution seems too simple, it is probably the right solution. There is no need to complicate things." “Keep a diary, start your own project, don’t take long breaks, learn English, get ready to feel like you’re the dumbest person on earth. For me it was painful, long, humiliating. And I think that’s why few make it to the end and then get people’s money.” “If this is a girl: don’t get married and don’t have children: it really interferes with your studies and work :))” “Don’t be afraid to show the code and take criticism adequately.” “Even if you feel that programming is not for you, still try to reach level 30 on JavaRush on your own: it will teach you to think.”

7. Results. How to learn Java programming to achieve results

Perseverance and motivation are something you definitely can’t do without. If you follow the plan, maintain a balance of theory and practice, study daily for at least 1-3 hours, you can actually learn Java programming to a level that will allow you to find a job in 6-12 months. It is also important to remain part of the community and follow the requirements of the companies you would like to work for. The editors of JavaRush say a huge “thank you” to everyone who participated in the survey. If you have other topics that you would be interested in reading about or finding out the opinion of the majority, write in the comments :) Let's do it.
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